0.1.0 (2023-03-27)
Bug Fixes
achievements: achievements are now sorted by name (f9fdd9f )
achievements: canceling recipes should not give achievement progress (1d5f3b4 )
analytics: track navigate analytics better (c7b4bb4 )
combat: buffs and debuffs will no longer tick if combat is won by someone. closes #117 (c04771b )
combat: can no longer eat food while in combat (649de45 )
combat: combat items/food in loadout should only color the name, not all of the text (4af36cb )
combat: ending combat should clear player buffs (f8398f7 )
combat: energy-changing buffs do not apply current health any longer (9c0ca4a )
combat: escape should mark combat as ending (6b66274 )
combat: fix buff alignment for enemies (d395f2c )
combat: healPerRound on enemies should correctly show healing on enemy. closes #127 (4bec6c9 )
combat: items cannot take energy even if their referenced ability does (7a88e90 )
combat: items should show the effect name, not key (47b6ec1 )
combat: items with multiple effects will trigger correctly (d8bb5db )
combat: NaN should no longer happen for any delta applier. closes #126 (9f6b92f )
combat: only some stats have to stay at 1. rest can go back to 0 when an effect unapplies. closes #111 (2123918 )
combat: speed calculations should be correct now. closes #119 (500c0f7 )
combat: undefined mitigation causes problems (4b545eb )
combat: using items on self should also not cost energy (08b749e )
combat: you can't die from multiple dots at once (73143d4 )
core: instead of watching . and having the CLI refresh every 10 seconds, watch src again and copy the changelog files. laziness ftl. closes #121 (076120b )
core: load all core icons at startup (735cd3e )
debug: debug menu should be position: fixed (5473633 )
discord: fix combat discord status attachment (ae862b7 )
dungeon: dungeon maps will correctly track the players viewport (b9d9080 )
dungeon: dungeons no longer let you eat food (cb0d9a7 )
dungeon: embark color should actually indicate when you get a skill point (ccdbff7 )
dungeon: make fire a more visible color (a31cfdb )
dungeon: no standing still to heal in a dungeon (968531d )
edibles: items that only restore energy should be able to be eaten (40e8e14 )
exchange: default exchange rate for rarity:same is 2:1, closes #115 (ee3af62 )
gathering: gathering pages should perform better (d977d18 )
gathering: not all gathering is fishing (d625374 )
inventory,mercantile: inventory/stockpile page will no longer reset category when an item leaves (61524fd )
item: food duration is now migrated correctly (0cc2b49 )
items: items now- have separate effects/abilities, are more distinct when in/out of combat (aa12001 )
items: make item healing come from new properties, not stats (856c600 )
loadout: can now select potions again for item loadout (6746983 )
loadout: fix learned skills replacing old skills (3e1d352 )
loadout: loadout page should perform better with larger numbers of items (ea2e229 )
loadout: loadout should properly migrate items when they change (3e43e23 )
loadout: no flicker when unslotting something using x (cf248cb )
mods: fix mod unsub for mods that don't have themes (1ec1c2e )
mods: mods should load tags correctly from all categories (b07dd7e )
recipe: mortar should preserve, not consume, the table (8641257 )
refining: perf improvements (5f0b8af )
refining: refining should update when hitting craft (d5e3e42 )
refining: wrap when ingredient list is cut off (4ad2244 )
settings: sound should start at 100% instead of 1%, closes #114 (6a5bf0b )
splash: add tooltips + better named mods button to homepage (810d73e )
svg: add dungeon svgs to preloader. closes #139 (5d2a0d8 )
theme: light theme icons should fill correctly (73f2383 )
ui: better defaults for not overflowing screen size in some pages (0e974b2 )
ui: line wrap timers where relevant in app menu (7f54cb4 )
validator: validator disallows duplicate names (0eff8c5 )
validator: validator should actually double check names, instead of looking like it double checks duplicate names (d17b3a2 )
validator: validator should allow level 0 combat to exist for threats. closes #113 (457972f )
ability: add ability bonus damage feature, closes #140 (1e38605 )
achievements: support hidden achievements. make dungeon achievements hidden. closes #141 (3034963 )
automation: tag workflow should upload to itch now. closes #120 (0de6f81 )
build: add linux build. ref #124 (3799c0e )
build: add osx build. closes #124 (14eb4cf )
combat: combat is now always persisted; you can eat food to heal ooc; new health/energy persistent bars; tooltips are more informative, closes #144 (7b9981c )
combat: display equipped foods in combat (d073f3a )
combat: food can now apply effects pre-combat if equipped in food slot (af1b2d8 )
core: add getStat helper to unify how stats are gotten throughout the game (29b2018 )
credits: add credits popup (d29756b )
debug: add debug commands to set player health and energy in combat (592ca74 )
devtools: add fightThreat and applyCombatEffectToPlayer, closes #118 (42df3b8 )
devtools: dev tools go to 600 ticks per tick instead of just 60. closes #116 (c522c79 )
dungeon: can now eat items in dungeon out of combat (ef2ede2 )
equipment: stats now have a description on the equipment page (6ec8a47 )
farming: farming list should perform better (0b3c7fa )
farming: more clarity on planting page (e778dad )
farming: plant area will now have a close option to be consistent (8f07385 )
food: food items require durability/duration to be the same; they will go down the same as well (f342bc8 )
inventory: add icons to popup for inventory/stockpile views (c656eb1 )
item: stat display for stat lines now matches other stat name displays (36b12f6 )
mercantile: upgrade stockpile to look like inventory (1cd9cb2 )
mod: allow for testing mods locally by uploading a zip file. closes #137 (9e244c8 )
mod: allow mods to add themes (b5f48cd )
modding: add mod support (77c43d7 )
modding: add update all mods button. closes #138 (60f8756 )
mods: mods can now override sound effects (a4193e6 )
prospecting: you only get levels in prospecting if you succeed (2d3ab67 )
refining: recipes you havent crafted shimmer (71c7cc5 )
refining: refining has filters to filter recipes (960172f )
refining: refining recipes can now use items [they are consumed whole unless preserved]. closes #134 (05dcec9 )
stat: add single target energy heal option (a2e39bb )
stat: items can now have % stats that affect gathering speed/reductions (4824c96 )
stat: items can now have mitigation, a % damage reduction stat (e8adc52 )
tools: add debug service (f8fcf61 )
ui: add better tooltips to resources and items in inventory, backpack, stockpile, and refinement interfaces (3295f51 )
ui: add version on homepage for easier discerning of current version (5496250 )
ui: refining/gathering should perform better with larger lists (40ea049 )
ui: svgs load instantly and are cached in the browser (4e641f0 )
update: prompt users in download version to update (a996194 )
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