4.8.0 Release Candidate
- Improve page initialization time by optimizing the addHook function and the viewport state initialization.
- Improve typing performance by splitting the state tree.
- Optimize partial application of runSelector.
- Move selector calls to the event handles to avoid useless component rerenders.
- Render DropZone children only when dragging elements over it.
- Initialize variables only when needed.
- Add error messages to the image block on upload failures.
- Merge similar i18n strings.
- Disable clipboard button in file block during upload.
- Persist alignment when transforming a gallery to an image and vice-versa.
- Copy enhancement to the embed block help text.
- Improve the scrolling of the WordPress navigation menu.
Bug Fixes
- Fix RTL support for the DatePicker component.
- Change the header level in the BlockCompare component.
- Show all the taxonomies in the sidebar.
- Fix the latest posts date className.
- Fix the “align center” button in Latest Posts block in the backend.
- Fix block height when DropCap is used.
- Fix converting caption shortcode with link.
- Fix edge case in addQueryArgs function.
- Don’t return the permalink if the CPT is not publicly viewable.
- Fix error when saving non public CPTs.
- Properly disable the Publish button when saving is disabled.
- Show a message in the browser’s console when in Quirks Mode.
- Improvements to the @wordpress/scripts package: A new a check-engines command, a lint-style command and an update to lint-js.
- Add a getting started with JavaScript tutorial.
- Document the blocks’ setup states in the design guidelines.
- Add content to Contributors index page.
- Improve the components documentation:
- The MenuItem component.
- The RadioControl component.
- The ServerSideRender component.
- Organise the documentation assets in a dedicated folder.
- Clarify immutability of the block attributes.
- Fix the metabox back compat code example.
- Fix incorrect data module example.
- Improve the plugin release docs.
- Remove useless property from the colors code example.
- Improve the contributing documentation.
- Fix npm README links.
- Update the design resources link.
- Typo fixes.
- Run e2e tests with popular plugins enabled.
- Add new e2e tests:
- The permalink panel.
- The categories panel.
- Blocks with meta attributes.
- Update node-sass to fix Node 11 support.
- Move the dev dependencies to the root package.json.
- Improve the Pull Request Template.
- More logs to the CI jobs.
- Code style fixes and expand the phpcs coverage.
- Disable fragile e2e tests.
- Avoid PHP notices when running the e2e tests in debug mode.
- Make a simple version of DefaultBlockAppender.
- Stop using classname-to-style autotransform in react native.
- Fix SVG styles.
- Implement Enter press to add a default block.
- Hide keyboard when non textual block is selected.
- Fix undo/redo on new blocks.
- Pass the blockType prop to RNAztecView.
- Expose unregisterBlockType.