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Added displaying box name on box texture
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dedmen committed Jul 13, 2024
1 parent 5b1ab51 commit e54eb1d
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Showing 4 changed files with 297 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions addons/ace/XEH_PREP.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ PREP(addLogistikArsenalActions);
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions addons/ace/config.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,3 +95,33 @@ class GVAR(letter_##let) : ACE_XBlack { \
tagModel = "UserTexture10m_F";

// I don't like this either, but ACE uses a special onUnload, making the DisplayUnload EH non-functional, and there are no other eventhandlers to grab this
class ace_cargo_renameMenu {
class controls {
class HeaderName {
onDestroy = QUOTE(call FUNC(onPostObjectRename)); // When the display is closed, without messing with the existing onUnload EH of the display

class RscEmpty;
class RscPicture;
class GVAR(boxName) : RscEmpty
idd = -1; // Will be accessed by variable via onLoad
movingEnable = 0;
onLoad = QUOTE(call FUNC(initBoxNameDisplay));
class controlsBackground {
class SrcTex : RscPicture
idc = 1;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 1;
h = 1;
// Text will be set by init to original texture path
class controls {};
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions addons/ace/functions/fnc_initBoxNameDisplay.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
params ["_display"];

private _paramStr = displayUniqueName _display;
(parseSimpleArray (_paramStr regexReplace ["\*", """"] regexReplace ["_\._", ","])) params ["_model", "_srcTex", "_text"];

(_display displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetText _srcTex; // Put original texture as background

#define PixelCoordToUV2048(x) (x/2048)
#define PixelCoords1024(x,y,w,h) (x/1024),(y/1024),(w/1024),(h/1024)
#define UVToArr(x1,y1,x2,y2) x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1

private _boxParams = [
["plasticcase_01_large_f.p3d", {
// Twice on front (One is mirrored.. ugh)
[PixelCoordToUV2048(292), PixelCoordToUV2048(978), PixelCoordToUV2048(280), PixelCoordToUV2048(333), 0.05],
// Top twice, one mirrored..
[PixelCoordToUV2048(503), PixelCoordToUV2048(1687), PixelCoordToUV2048(228), PixelCoordToUV2048(273), 0.04],
// Twice back, mirrored
[PixelCoordToUV2048(0), PixelCoordToUV2048(975), PixelCoordToUV2048(280), PixelCoordToUV2048(335), 0.05]
["plasticcase_01_medium_f.p3d", {
// Top twice, one mirrored..
[PixelCoordToUV2048(1437), PixelCoordToUV2048(890), PixelCoordToUV2048(514), PixelCoordToUV2048(187), 0.08]
["plasticcase_01_small_f.p3d", {
// We use the sign selection here
[UVToArr(0.0079087317, 0.2437216789, 0.4664944708, 0.6534416080), 0.04]
["metalcase_01_large_f.p3d", {
// Front duplicate mirrored
[UVToArr(0.0159685612, 0.5834286809, 0.3323798478, 0.9881689548), 0.04],
// top duplicate mirrored
[UVToArr(0.8160079122, 0.3738329411, 0.9722650051, 0.5495740175), 0.04]
["equipment_box_f.p3d", { // Huh, same UV's as last one, neat
// Front duplicate mirrored
[UVToArr(0.0159685612, 0.5834286809, 0.3323798478, 0.9881689548), 0.04],
// top duplicate mirrored
[UVToArr(0.8160079122, 0.3738329411, 0.9722650051, 0.5495740175), 0.04]
["ammobox_f.p3d", { // This box is a mess. It has 4 sets of vertices, and depending on which type (explosives, grenades) 3 sets are hidden
// Front and back
[PixelCoords1024(654, 782, 360, 167), 0.06]
["wpnsbox_f.p3d", {
// Front and back
[UVToArr(0.0140264034, 0.0685211420, 0.3375537395, 0.2060282230), 0.04]
["wpnsbox_long_f.p3d", {
// Front and back
[UVToArr(0.0074185133, 0.5042082071, 0.5999680758, 0.6417262554), 0.06]
["box_uav_06_f.p3d", {
// Top
[UVToArr(0.8217381239, 0.0366767906, 0.9999704361, 0.2156434953), 0.04]

private _found = _boxParams findIf {_model == (_x select 0)};
//(call ((_boxParams param [_found, ["",{[0.3, 1, 1]}]]) select 1)) params ["_overlays"];
private _overlays = (call ((_boxParams param [_found, ["",{[0.3, 1, 1]}]]) select 1));

_x params ["_x", "_y", "_w", "_h", "_sz"];

private _ctrl = _display ctrlCreate ["RscTextNoShadow", -1];
_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
_ctrl ctrlSetFont "TahomaB";
_ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight _sz;
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
_ctrl ctrlSetText _text;
forEach _overlays;
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions addons/ace/functions/fnc_onPostObjectRename.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"

private _box = ace_cargo_interactionVehicle;
private _newName = _box getVariable ["ace_cargo_customName", ""];
private _model = (getModelinfo _box) select 0;
//diag_log _box;
//diag_log _newName;

// Try to find the name of the camo selection

// Based on Wolf Arsenal available boxes these are the selections we want to replace
private _selectionWhitelist = ["camo2", "camo_signs", "medical"];
private _availableSelection = getArray (configOf _box >> "hiddenSelections") select {toLower _x in _selectionWhitelist} param [0, ""];
if (_availableSelection == "") exitWith {};
private _expectedWidth = (_newName getTextWidth ["RobotoCondensed", 0.1]) max 0.001; // No zero
// Some boxes have quite messed up UV's, and we need to adjust the size to fit
// availableWidth is determined by putting on flagTexture
// format ['#(rgb,512,512,3)text(2,1,"RobotoCondensed",0.1,"#00000000","#ff0000","%1")', "A##########################A"]
// Add or remove # so that text is fully visible with no cut sides, and anything extra would be cut off.
// then "A##########################A" getTextWidth ["RobotoCondensed", 0.1];
// to get the availableWidth
// How to get the linearConversion limits
// Set texture '#(rgb,512,512,3)text(2,1,"RobotoCondensed",0.1,"#00000000","#ff0000","A")'
// increase size until it barely still fits.
// minFrom = "A" getTextWidth ["RobotoCondensed", 0.1];
// minTo = the size we just determined
// Set texture '#(rgb,512,512,3)text(2,1,"RobotoCondensed",0.1,"#00000000","#ff0000","A##A")'
// Leave size as 0.1. Insert # until it barely fits
// maxFrom = "A##A" getTextWidth ["RobotoCondensed", 0.1]; (Put in same number of #)
// maxTo = 0.1
private _boxParams = [
["plasticcase_01_large_f.p3d", {
[0.1, 2, 1]// Text on side. Top is also possible with values of medium/small. But not both...
["plasticcase_01_medium_f.p3d", {
[0.1, 1, 0] // Text on top
["plasticcase_01_small_f.p3d", {
[0.1, 1, 0] // Text on top
["equipment_box_f.p3d", {
_newName = _newName + "\n";
[0.2, 2, 1]
["ammobox_f.p3d", {
// Aligned bottom right, and needs a padding on the right to fit
_newName = _newName + " \n";
[0.1, 2, 2]
["wpnsbox_f.p3d", {
// Needs a headpat...
_newName = "\n " + _newName;
[0.1, 0, 0]
["wpnsbox_long_f.p3d", {
_newName = "\n " + _newName;
[0.15, 1, 0]
["box_uav_06_f.p3d", {
[1, 1, 1] // No chance, their UV is messed up. We got a region from 0.59,0.49 to 0.68,0.57 not centered or any edge or anything. Just messed up. Would need ui2tex to fix
private _found = _boxParams findIf {_model == (_x select 0)};
(call ((_boxParams param [_found, ["",{[0.3, 1, 1]}]]) select 1)) params ["_size", "_vAlign", "_hAlign"];
//private _size = (-25.65* _expectedWidth^3+ 27.032* _expectedWidth^2 -9.941* _expectedWidth +1.485) min 0.8;
// Works, but bug where 0.280496 text is invisible, but 0.280495 and 0.280497 are working fine... gosh.
//private _size = 0.2;
_box setObjectTextureGlobal [
format ['#(rgb,512,512,3)text(%2,%3,"RobotoCondensed",%4,"#00000000","#ff0000","%1")', _newName, _vAlign, _hAlign, _size]

// Some we want to choose the non-main one
private _customCamoSelections = [
["plasticcase_01_small_f.p3d", 1] // camo2
private _found = _customCamoSelections findIf {_model == (_x select 0)};
private _selection = (_customCamoSelections param [_found, ["", 0]]) select 1;

private _srcTex = (getArray (configOf _box >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures")) select _selection;

// The display will copy the original texture as background, and overlay texts in appropriate places
_box setObjectTextureGlobal [
format ['#(rgb,512,512,3)ui("wolf_logistics_ace_boxName","%1","co")', (str [_model, _srcTex, _newName]) regexReplace ["""", "*"] regexReplace [",", "_._"]]

_class = _x select 0;
ace_cargo_interactionVehicle = _class createVehicle (getPos player vectorAdd [_forEachIndex, 0, 0]);
ace_cargo_interactionVehicle setVariable ["ace_cargo_customName", "Testomagico"];
call wolf_logistics_ace_fnc_onPostObjectRename;
} forEach

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