( The project is a work in progress, there may be bugs... please, report )
The Platform use installed Microchip XC32 compiler ( must work on Windows / Linux / Mac )
- Install XC32 from the Microchip website
- Uploader use libusb-1.0
Download & Put DLL/LIB in PlatformIO Python folder ( .platformio/penv/Scripts ) - Install Platform
PlatformIO Home > Platforms > Advanced Installation: paste https://github.com/Wiz-IO/XC32
Note: be sure git is installed
- Curiosity v1.0
- Looking for Hardware cooperation
- XC32 - NO Harmony !!!
- Arduino API
- Digital & EINT [ all ]
- Analog - ADC & PWM [ board defined ]
- HardwareSerials [ all ]
- SoftwareSerial [ 4 ]
- USBSerial [ 1 ]
- SPI [ all ]
- I2C [ all ] / Wire
- FreeRTOS mode
- TODO ... CAN, Ethernet, lwip, mbedtls ... etc
- ICD 4 / Snap ( integrated, very fast )
- Curiosity PKOB ( integrated )
- Microsoft UF2 ( USB MSD )
- "Plan B" - use MPLAB X IPE
- printf() or Serial.printf()
- ICD / JTAG - Challenge, but in some other life...
- PlatformIO - Apache License 2.0
- Microchip XC32
- Arduino Core API - GNU
- Spas Spasoff PLIB MZ - GNU
- FreeRTOS - MIT
- lwIP - BSD
- lvgl - MIT
- PIC32 for the hobbyist