TheKeyStone is an API wrapper around Wixels hosted user authentication and management service.
- Go to and request access to the service
- Once you receive your API key, please keep it a secret
gem install thekeystone
Method | Description | Return Type |
set_api_key(api_key) | Set the API key | None |
get_user(id) | Fetch a use profile | Hash on success, false on failure |
signup(params={}) | Perform the user sign up and return new user ID | Hash on success, false on failure |
signin(params={}) | Signin a user and return the user ID | Hash on success, false on failure |
verify_user(uid) | Verify a user account (optional) | true on success, false on failure |
update_user(uid, params={}) | Update a user profile | true on success, false on failure |
generate_onetime_login_hash(email) | Generate a onetime login hash | Hash on success, false on failure |
signin_with_hash(hash) | Sign in using a one-time login hash | Hash on success, false on failure |
delete_user(uid) | Delete a user account | true on success, false on failure |
profile_data(uid, field) | Retrieve a profile field from a user account | Hash on success, false on failure |
search_by_email(email) | Find a user account using an email address | Hash on success, false on failure |
reset_password(uid, new_password) | Reset a user account password | true on success, false on failure |
require "thekeystone"
api ='[your API key]');
new_user = api.signup(:email => "[email protected]", :password => "mypassword")
# new_user = {"uid"=>"4f19494e601cae0001000001"}
if !new_user
puts api.last_error
pp api.get_user(new_user["uid"])
user = api.signin(:email => "[email protected]", :password => "mypassword")
if !user
puts api.last_error
pp api.get_user(user["uid"]) # you should store user["uid"] in your session at this point
This is an optional feature that is present incase your application requires user verification.
api.verify_user('[a user id]') # => true/false
Keep in mind that all profile fields are returned as a Ruby hash.
profile = api.get_user('[a user id]')
# Response:
"email"=>"[email protected]",
You are able to update multiple fields in a single request.
"[a user ID]", :twitter => "@SeanNieuwoudt", :github => ""
A one-time log in hash is used when a user has forgotten their password. Your user enters their email address on your site and you pass it along to the API. A log in hash will be generated and returned.
You will need to email this to the user and allow them to log in by clicking on a link that re-connects to the API and authenticates the user using the hash.
This hash can only be used once and is destroyed after usage.
hash = api.generate_onetime_login_hash('[email protected]')
# hash = {"login_hash"=>"a9ce493328c52dfdebbc4d1776881dc7"}
user = api.signin_with_hash(hash["login_hash"])
# user = {"uid"=>"4f197491912c0c000100003f"}
If you need to fetch the entire user profile in a single request, please use the api.get_user method instead.
data = api.profile_data('[a user ID]', 'email')
# data = {"email"=>"[email protected]"}
Keep in mind that you can only find one account at a time and queries are only specific to one API key per request.
user = api.search_by_email('[email protected]')
api.reset_password('[a user ID]','my_new_password')