Posix shell implementation with limited libraries for the 42network cursus.
- Ability to customize the prompt.
- Complete prompt with edition and multiple line support.
- Redirection and aggregation operators.
- Pipes and separators.
- && and || logical operators.
- Monitoring of intern shell variables.
- Job control monitoring, with buitl-ins jobs, fg, bg and the & operator
- A correct monitoring of all signals
- Inhibitors ” (double quote), ’ (simple quote) and \
- Control substitution: $()
- ZSH-like command completion with scrolling.
- Contextual dynamic completion of commands, built-ins, files, internal and environment variables. What is meant by contextual? re-we use the “ls /” command and your cursor is on the /, then a contextual completion will only propose the content of the root folder and not the commands or built-ins. Same for this case: “echo ${S”, the completion should only propose variable names that start with S, whether internal or environmental.
- Alias management via built-ins alias and unalias.
- A hash table and built-in hash to interact with it.
- The built-in test with the following operators: texttt-b, -c, -d, -e, -f, -g, -L, -p, -r, -S, -s, -u, -w, -x, -z, =, !=, -eq, -ne, -ge, -lt, -le, !. As well as the possibility of a simple operand, without operator.
- Complete management of the history:
- Expansions:
- !!
- !word
- !number
- !-number
- Saving to a file so that it can be used over several sessions
- Built-in fc (all POSIX options)
- Incremental search in the history with CTRL-R
- Tilde expansion and additional parameter formats:
- ~
- ${parameter:-word}
- ${parameter:=word}
- ${parameter:?word}
- ${parameter:+word}
- ${#parameter}
- ${parameter%}
- ${parameter%%}
- ${parameter#}
- ${parameter##}
- The following builtins:
- cd
- fc
- jobs
- fg
- bg
- test
- alias
- unalias
- echo
- exit
- export
- false
- true
- hash
- history
- pwd
- rehash
- set
- type
- unset
- unsetenv