This release was deployed at 2:55 PM on October 5, 2016.
New Features
- Display mean flow m^3/s to two decimal places in Watershed Multi-Year Model output
- Display totals row in hydrology table (Watershed Multi-Year Model output)
- Write animal populations to .gms file in Watershed Multi-Year Model
- Add "animals" analysis tab displaying animal population summary (AEUs) for AoI
- Enable zoom-dependent stream rendering for NHD+ and DRB streams
- Add "point sources" tab to analysis results, displaying point source data summary for AoI
- Hovering over row in table renders appropriate point on map
- Integrate DRB-specific point source data
- Add point source data as overlay with popups
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Fix problem that prevented septic system N figures from displaying in Watershed Multi-Year Model output
- Use precalculated area-weighted average LS values for Watershed Multi-Year Model output
- Rename "DRB" in overlay selector
- Update to use newest version of TR-55 model
- Implement fixes for drawing AoIs on Windows touch devices (see list of use cases now supported)
- Add front-end error message and immediately fail Watershed Multi-Year Model for AoIs with no land cover
- Add front-end error message for invalid RWD shapes
- Add sidebar collapse/map expand toggle