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WenheLI edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 3 revisions

Gif Class


This allows you to load gif from a local file, online source, and p5Image Array.

  var gif = new p5Gif.Gif(fileUrl, [gifConfig]);


gifConfig = {
    width: Number,   // display width
    height: Number,  // display height
    repeat: Boolean, // if you want to repeat play the gif
    delay: Array // delay for every frame 


You can get attribute of the object by the below code. (Note you can not change the attribute via getter)

  • delay
     gif.delay // return an array describing the delay of every frame 
  • src
     gif.src //return the gif url. It will return null if you create gif from p5Image
  • isLoading
     gif.isLoading // return if the gif is loaded
  • frames
      gif.frames // return frames in the format of p5Image array; You can directly apply change onto this frames.
  • repeat
     gif.repeat // return if the gif will repeat
  • height
     gif.height // return gif's height
  • width
       gif.width // return gif's width


You can use setter to set specific attribute.

  • repeat
  • height
     gif.height = h // set the height to h
  • width
       gif.width = w // set the width to w
  • repeat
     gif.repeat = true // set repeat to true. Repeat only accept boolean
  • delay
     gif.delay = [1,2,...] // set every frame different delay. The array length must match the frame length.
     gif.delay = 10 // set every frame's delay to 10


Load gif from local file

var myGif = null;

function setup() {
    // Create canvas
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    //load gif from local file
    myGif = p5Gif.loadGif("test.gif", function(){
        // callback function will run when the gif is loaded 
        this.loop(); //It will loop at the default position (0, 0)
        //this.start();  //It will play only once
        //this.start, this.loop can take a pair of parameters describing the x, y position. 
        //this.loop({x :100, y: 100}) // gif will display at (100, 100)

function draw() {

Load gif from online source

var myGif = null;
var gifLink = "";

function setup() {
    // Create canvas
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    //load gif from link
    myGif = p5Gif.loadGif(gifLink, function(){
        // callback function will run when the gif is loaded 
        this.loop(); //It will loop at the default position (0, 0)
        //this.start();  //It will play only once
        //this.start, this.loop can take a pair of parameters describing the x, y position. 
        //this.loop({x :100, y: 100}) // gif will display at (100, 100)

function draw() {

Load gif with p5Image

var myGif = null;

function setup() {
    // Create canvas
    createCanvas(500, 500);

    // Create a 100*100 blue block 
    var blueImg = createImage(100, 1000);
    for(var x = 0; x < blueImg.width; x++) {
        for(var y = 0; y < blueImg.height; y++) {
        blueImg.set(x, y, [0, 0, 255]); 

    // Create a 100*100 red block
    var redImg = createImage(100, 1000);
    for(var x = 0; x < redImg.width; x++) {
        for(var y = 0; y < redImg.height; y++) {
        redImg.set(x, y, [255, 0, 0]); 

    //load gif from p5Image array
    myGif = p5Gif.loadGif([redImg, blueImg], function(){
        // callback function will run when the gif is loaded 
        this.loop(); //It will loop at the default position (0, 0)
        //this.start();  //It will play only once
        //this.start, this.loop can take a pair of parameters describing the x, y position. 
        //this.loop({x :100, y: 100}) // gif will display at (100, 100)

function draw() {


The p5Gif wraps methods of p5Image related with image effect.


Just like p5Image, filter took one parameter of what kind of filter want to take.

let gif = new p5Gif.loadGif(url);