BLurry Imperfect Short Tandem Repeats in DNA and Protein sequences
The only dependency for BLISTR is zlib, which is used for handling gz-compressed files.
git clone
cd BLISTR/src
conda install BLISTR
DNA or protein sequences in fasta format, which can be compressed in gz format.
BLISTR perfect_str_default -f test.fa > test.fa.blistr.out
BLISTR fuzzy_str_default -f uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz > uniprot_sprot.fasta.blistr.fuzzy.out
BLISTR: BLurry Imperfect Short Tandem Repeats
Usage: BLISTR <command> [options]
perfect_str_default <options>
perfect_custom <options>
fuzzy_str_default <options>
fuzzy_custom <options>
BLISTR: BLurry Imperfect Short Tandem Repeats
Usage: BLISTR perfect_str_default <options>
unit length range is 1-6bp and copy number threshold is 10,5,4,3,2,2
-f string fasta format file (mandatory)
-s int whether output the flanking sequence of SSR region (default value: 0 -> don't output; length of flanking sequences -> output)
-u int whether replace all letters with uppercase letters (default value: 0 -> don't replace; 1 -> replace)
-r int whether output the reverse complement sequence (default value: 0 -> don't output; 1 -> output)
BLISTR: BLurry Imperfect Short Tandem Repeats
Usage: BLISTR perfect_custom <options>
-f string fasta format file (mandatory)
-l int maximum length of SSR unit, example: -l 10 (mandatory)
-c string copy threshold for each unit, example: -c 10,5,4,3,2,2,2,2,2,2 (mandatory)
-s int whether output the flanking sequence of SSR region (default value: 0 -> don't output; length of flanking sequences -> output)
-u int whether replace all letters with uppercase letters (default value: 0 -> don't replace; 1 -> replace)
-r int whether output the reverse complement sequence (default value: 0 -> don't output; 1 -> output)
BLISTR: BLurry Imperfect Short Tandem Repeats
Usage: BLISTR fuzzy_str_default <options>
unit length range is 1-6bp, copy number threshold is 12,6,4,3,2,2, percentage of imperfect threshold is 0.3,0.4,0.5,0.5,0.5,1, edit distance of each unit is 1,1,1,1,1,1
-f string fasta format file (mandatory)
-u int whether to replace all letters with uppercase letters (default value: 0 -> don't replace; 1 -> replace)
-s int whether output the flanking sequence of SSR region (default value: 0 -> don't output; length of flanking sequences -> output)
-r int whether output the reverse complement sequence (default value: 0 -> don't output; 1 -> output)
BLISTR: BLurry Imperfect Short Tandem Repeats
Usage: BLISTR fuzzy_custom <options>
-f string fasta format file (mandatory)
-l int maximum length of SSR unit, example: -l 6 (mandatory)
-c string copy threshold for each unit, example: -c 12,6,4,3,2,2 (mandatory)
-p string percentage of imperfect units, example: -p 0.3,0.4,0.5,0.5,0.5,1 (mandatory)
-e string edit distance for each unit, example: -e 1,1,1,1,1,2 (mandatory)
-d int Maximum distance between two seperate STR regions, using negative value for overlapping STRs, example: -d -4
-u int whether to replace all letters with uppercase letters (default value: 0 -> don't replace; 1 -> replace)
-s int whether output the flanking sequence of SSR region (default value: 0 -> don't output; length of flanking sequences -> output)
-r int whether output the reverse complement sequence (default value: 0 -> don't output; 1 -> output)
Questions, suggestions are welcome by raising an issue on the github page.