This is the repository for CSC258 2020 Fall Final Project of Doodle Jump
- The content of this project is about the mobile game Doodle Jump.
- The project is implemented by MIPS assmebly language.
General Instructions:
- The " s " key will be used to start and restart the game.
- The " j " key makes the Doodler move to the left.
- The " k " key makes the Doodler move to the right.
Quick start: MARS
- Download MARS
- Open the file called doodlejump.s in MARS
- Set up display: Tools > Bitmap display
- Set parameters like unit width & height (8), display width & height (256) and base address 0x10008000 for display.
- Click “Connect to MIPS” once these are set.
- Setup keyboard: Tools > Keyboard and Display MMIO Simulator
- Click “Connect to MIPS”
- Run your program:
- Run > Assemble
- Run > Go (to start the run)
- Input the character j or k in Keyboard area (bottom white box) in Keyboard and
- Display MMIO Simulator window