fpocketR is a modified version of fpocket 4.0 and is optimized for finding, characterizing, and visualizing drug-like RNA-ligand binding pockets.
fpocketR requires a Unix/Linux to run properly, this means that Windows users need to activate the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Follow guide to install conda.
- Windows WSL users: Use Linux installation guide.
NOTE for MacOS users: fpocketR is not compatible with arm-based M1 or M2 processors (only intel (x86) processors).
Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you would like to install the fpocketR package (optional).
cd <path-to-GitHub-reposities>
Tip for new Windows WSL users: You can navigate to your Windows file system in the WSL command line by using the following command:
cd /mnt/c/Users/<your-user-name>
Clone the RNAvigate and fpocketR GitHub repositories.
git clone https://github.com/Weeks-UNC/fpocketR.git
Create fpocketR conda environment and install fpocketR and RNAvigate.
cd fpocketR conda env create --file enviroment.yml conda activate fpocketR conda develop .
Demonstration of fpocketR usage
Input options | Description |
-pdb, --pdb STRING (Required) | Specify a path to a .pdb/.cif file, or a 4 charater PDB indentification code. |
-nsd, --nsd STRING | Specify an .nsd file or other secondary structure file to generate a secondary structure figure. |
fpocket parameter options | Description |
-m, --m FLOAT | Sets fpocket -m flag. Specifies the minimum radius for an a-sphere. (Default: 3.0) |
-M, --M FLOAT | Sets fpocket -M flag. Specifies the maximium radius for an a-sphere. (Default: 5.7) |
-i, --i INT | Sets fpocket -i flag. Specifies the minimum number of a-spheres per pocket. (Default: 42) |
-D, --D FLOAT | Sets fpocket -D flag. Specifies the a-sphere clustering distance for forming pockets. (Default: 1.65) |
-A, --A INT | Sets fpocket -A flag. Specifies the number of electronegative atoms required to define a polar a-sphere (Deafult: 3). |
-p, --p FLOAT | Sets fpocket -p flag. Speciefies the maximum ratio of apolar a-spheres. (Default: 0) |
Output options | Description |
-o, --out STRING | Specify name of fpocket output parent directory name. (Default: fpocket-R_out_{fpocket parameters}) |
-n, --name STRING | Specify name prefix for fpocket_out and analysis_out subdirectories. (Default: None) |
-y, --yes BOOLEAN | Overwrites output files and directories with same name. (Default: False) |
Analysis settings | Description |
-s, --state INT | Specify a particular NMR states/model for analysis. Set to 0 for all. (Default: None) |
-c, --chain STING | Specify the chain(s) IDs conatining RNA (case sensitive). List upto 2 chains seperated by a comma (eg. A,B). (Default: A) |
-l, --ligand STRING | Specify the PDB ligand identification code (≤ 3 characters). |
-lc, --ligandchain STRING | Specify the chain containing the ligand of interest. (Default: ) |
-off, -offset INT | Specify offset between the starting nucleotide of the rna sequence and starting nucleotide of the PDB structure (usually = 0). Manual input is required for use with .cif files. (Default: will gather offset from pdb header.) |
-qf, --qualityfilter FLOAT | Specify the minimum fpocket score for a pocket to pass the quality filter. (Default: 0.0) |
Figure settings | Description |
-dpi, --dpi INT | Specify 3D figure resolution (dots per linear inch). (Default: 300) |
-zoom, --zoom INT | Specify zoom buffer distance (Å) to set the feild of view for 3D figures. (Default: 10) |
-cp, --connectpocket BOOLEAN | Visually connects pockets in 2D figures. (Default: False) |
-al, --alignligand BOOLEAN | Align output structures to input structure. Useful for multistate analysis. (Default: True) |