This blog is built using Jekyll.
HTML::Proofer is set up to validate all links within the project. You can run this locally to ensure that your changes are valid:
bundle install
bundle exec rake test
rake post title="Hello World"
Create pages easily via rake task:
$ rake page name=""
Create a nested page:
$ rake page name="pages/"
Create a page with a "pretty" path:
$ rake page name="pages/about"
this will create the file: ./pages/about/index.html
Both pages and posts will be created with the right formatted filename and YAML Front Matter
There are several variables you can specify in the header of the post
layout: post
date: 2014-07-28
title: "Announcing second Web European Conference"
description: "Announcing the 2nd Web European Conference, next Spring, in Italy"
imagePath: /assets/2014/07/first_post_poster_image.jpg
comments: true
- News
- conference
- sponsor
- c4p
- c4v
- imagePath is optional. In case you specify it a poster image will showed in top of the post and the same image will used for the Twitter Card and Facebook OpenGraph