A simple and portable ChatGPT Discord Bot in Python.
You can DM your both with the followinf options:
You need to fill the .env file with the following infos:
TOKEN - You will get it after the Application Setup, follow the video provided below
OPENAI - This is the OpenAI Token, you can create it from your account
s dashboard
CHANNELID - You need to enable the "Developer Mode" in User Settings --> Advance
Then Right Click of the mouse on the Channels name --> Copy ID
NOTE: You must enable the "intents" by
https://discord.com/developers/applications --> Yout Bot --> Settings --> "Bot" --> Enable all three "Privileged Gateway Intents"
docker build -t discord-bot .
docker run --name discord-bot discord-bot
Be sure there no errors
docker run -d --name discord-bot discord-bot
Refer to the setup guide of a new Discord Application (Bot).
This is not an official OpenAI product. This is a personal project and is not affiliated with OpenAI in any way. Don't sue me
- virtualharby - Python Staff, give him a follow