A simple script made by Ixor to create certificates in one account and add the DNS entries in ixor.tooling
In order for this script to work properly, you'll have to cache the assumerole data. For more information about assumerole and how to set it up: aws-sts-assumerole
Create the assumerole cache using assumerole ixor.tooling-admin [OTP]
and assumerole [account] [OTP]
Once you've done this, you should have the files in ~/.assumerole.d/cache
you can run the script with the following command: bash ACM_Create.bash [account] [main domain] [extra_domain_1] [extra_domain_2] [extra_domain_x]
this script will do the following things
- Check if all the arguments are valid
- Check if the cache for ixor.tooling-admin and the other account exist
- Load the cached vars from the account you want to create the certificates on
- Create a certificate with the domain first given as main domain and the other domains as extra. these will be made in "eu-central-1" and "us-east-1"
Certificates for CloudFront must be created in "us-east-1"
- Wait 10 seconds to let the CNAME Names and CNAME Values generate. Once generated, it will save the names and values in vars
- Load the cached vars from ixor.tooling-admin (Account where the DNS-Entries are stored for validation)
- Load the hosted zones in this account in a var
- Check if the given domains (remove the "*." where needed) are detected in the hosted zones var
- If the domain matches the hosted zone, it loads the DNS-Entries of that hosted zone
- Check if the CNAME Name of the certificate matches one of the certificates in the DNS ENtries
- Create a DNS-Entry if the DNS-Entry for the CNAME Name doesn't exist
After running the script, a certificate has been created. This certificate has a Pending Validation
This should automatically be validated after about 2 minutes.