Go to github.com and create an account. After you have verified your email, create an empty repository in your new account, and name it bootcamp
Github username:Memphis076
Write a command that prints out the string “hello, world”. Extra credit: As in Listing 1, do it two different ways, both with and without using quotation marks.
print("hello, world") print('"hello, world"')
Clear the contents of the current tab.
What’s the command to list all the files (and directories) on your Desktop directory?
dir ~/Desktop
Make the directory bootcamp on your Desktop and, within it, the directory labs (i.e., ~/Desktop/bootcamp/labs).
cd ~/Desktop mkdir bootcamp cd bootcamp mkdir labs
Change to your Desktop, then change to bootcamp directory, and then the lab directory.
cd ~/Desktop cd bootcamp cd labs
Create an empty file called file01 in the lab directory.
New-item file01
What is the command used to remove a directory named food and everything inside it.
rmdir foods
Download the GitHub desktop application.
Using the GitHub desktop application, push your code to your new repository.