This is a one stop shop for WEBbeast course.
Each module contain several lesson. lessons ordered chronically. Repo structure is as following:
- module
-lesson 01
- class practice files
- home exercises
-lesson 02
- (preliminary requirements for module)
- module
- general files (like overview, this readme file, etc.)
- Starting up
- Javascript basics 1
- Javascript basics 2
- Javascript advanced functionality
- Introduction to NodeJS and Server side
- Introduction to open source
- Advanced debugging and Introduction to JQuery
- Working with libraries: template engines & lodash (extra: ThreeJS, D3)
- Working with API: leaflet & OpenWeatherAPI
- Javascript Modules, NPM and Typescript introduction
- Javascript OOP: old days to Typescript
- Introduction to SPA and Angular
- Angular 101 Workshop 1/2
- Angular 101 Workshop 2/2
- Angular Advanced
- Angular 3rd party
- Redux 1/2
- Redux 2/2
- react 1/2
- react 2/2
- Vue.js
- Getting started with node
- From Node to Express 1/2
- From Node to Express 2/2
- MongoDB 1/2
- MongoDB 2/2
- GraphQL
- More about Network Protocols
- Unit Testing
- RxJS 1/2
- RxJS 2/2
- HTTPS and Authentication
- Modularity and Microservices Architecture
- Performance analysis and improvement
- Security - Common issues and solutions
- Client and server: roles and state/data managment
- Code Build
- Creating API with Swagger
- Dockers
- Deployment And CI/CD
- It is based on revealjs and can use it's API.
- Different Themes Are supported.
- The easies way to use them is by reveal-md theme flag
Like:reveal-md --theme solarized
### Available Themes: black (default) | beige | blood | league | moon | night | serif | simple | sky | solarized | white