This is an open portuguese API, fell free to contribute
- Ruby 3.1.3
- PostgresSQL 15
- RoR
to run locally just clone the project and inside the project folder on unix terminal
1 -
bundle install
2 -
rails db:create; rails db:migrate
3 -
rails s
NOTE1: ensure the System dependencies are matched, the app will run on localhost:3000 NOTE2: currently there is no data and it will be added in the future
1 -
rails t
NOTE1: currently there is no test...
coming soon
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve a list of all words.
: Page number (optional)per_page
: Number of items per page (optional)
Example Response:
{ "words": [ "à luz de", "a olho nu", "a partir", "a partir de", "a posteriori", "a priori", "a propósito", "a reboque", "a respeito de", "à risca" ], "pagination": { "current_page": 2, "next_page": 3, "prev_page": 1, "total_pages": 11697 } }
Method: GET
Description: search for the word and and give you info about it.
Note: replace the :word with the word you want like
: Page number (optional)per_page
: Number of items per page (optional)
Example Response:
{ "word": "barco", "syllabic_division": "bar-co", "meanings": [ { "part_of_speech": "substantivo masculino", "definition": "Embarcação pequenas: barco a vela." }, { "part_of_speech": "substantivo masculino", "definition": "Qualquer tipo de embarcação: andei de barco." }, { "part_of_speech": "expressão", "definition": "Deixar correr o barco. Deixar as coisas como estão para ver o que acontecerá; não se preocupar com o desenrolar dos acontecimentos." }, { "part_of_speech": "expressão", "definition": "Etimologia (origem da palavra barco). A palavra barco deriva como masculino de barca, do latim \"barca,ae\" com o mesmo sentido." } ] }
Method: GET
Description: list all the words starting with a letter
Note: replace the :letter with the word you want like
: Page number (optional)per_page
: Number of items per page (optional)
Example Response:
{ "words": [ "bababi", "babaca", "babaça", "babaço", "babaçu" ], "pagination": { "current_page": 4, "next_page": 5, "prev_page": 3, "total_pages": 1103 } }