LET-1197 Account forms social media URLs can be input in a simpler version
LET-1213 FE - Allow incomplete URLs for social media links
LET-1196 Search functionality should retrieve results for partial keywords - Backoffice
LET-1217 BE - full text search for all entities IN BACKOFFICE to return results on partial match on any term prefix
LET-1181 Platform admins can tell when projects and open calls are in status draft or published
LET-1219 BE - add "status" column for OPEN CALL publishing status and rename current status column to "verification"
LET-1218 BE - add "status" column for PROJECT publishing status and rename current status column to "verification"
LET-1173 Enhance message displayed when project has impact score 0 in a given scale
LET-1210 FE - Update the impact sentence if the impact is 0
LET-1165 Add functionality to scroll up to top of the page
LET-1214 FE - Add scroll-to-top button to most pages
LET-1240 FE - Mobile layout issue in the disclose component of the FAQ
LET-1161 Tweaks to the project and open call public pages (design feedback)
LET-1162 FE - Tweak the open call public page layout
LET-1157 FE - Tweak the project public page layout
LET-1155 Improve instructions/warnings about account deletion in the public site
LET-1207 FE - Update warning displayed when the user tries to delete their account user
LET-1206 FE - Remove notice from “Basic info” in “Account information” (Dashboard)
LET-1086 Remove duplicate access to public page from account dashboard
LET-1204 FE - Remove link to preview account in “Account information” tab (Dashboard)
LET-1023 Visitors can see terms and conditions
LET-1202 FE - Rename the Privacy policy page as Terms & Conditions
LET-1201 FE - Add link to T&C on the sign up form
LET-1001 Investors can mark as "funding" projects in their favorites list
LET-1124 FE - Allow investors to fund/“unfund” projects from their favourites
LET-871 Search functionality should retrieve results for partial keywords - public site
LET-1216 BE - full text search for all entities ON PUBLIC SITE to return results on partial match on any term prefix
LET-521 Admins can have learn more about user behavior with Hotjar
LET-1243 FE - Hotjar key missing from some Docker files
LET-473 Users can select multiple filter options in the search results page
LET-1205 FE - Allow the user to select multiple values for each filter (Discover)
LET-203 Enhanced identity validation at signup
LET-1270 FE - Add extra information about the timeout on the email verification screen
LET-1269 BE - Reduce timeout to 30s between verification emails
LET-1138 FE - Update the sign up flow to account for email verification
LET-201 Enhanced identity validation at login
LET-1136 FE - Update the login flow to account for 2FA
LET-251 BE - Implement 2FA API endpoints via Email
LET-73 Implement the 404 and 500 error pages
LET-1200 FE - Implement a 500 page (for crashes)
LET-1199 FE - Implement a 404 page
LET-17 Implement responsive version
LET-1228 FE - Increase title's font size of the cards in the For * pages on mobile
LET-1222 FE - Display the “mobile” beta disclaimer on the Dashboard on mobiles
LET-1220 FE - Priority landscape filter has no option (Discover)
LET-1194 FE - Form validation messages are not translated
LET-1193 FE - "Pending approval" screen always displayed in English
LET-1183 FE - Impact chart tooltip shows wrong information
LET-1179 DE - Improve impact charts