A collection of scripts to automate some flows using AutoHotkey v2:
Script | Automate Flow |
launchVSCodeNpmProject.ahk | start VSCode -> open specific workspace -> start mock server -> open browser to project home page |
gitChangesCommitAndTag.bat | pull remote changes to local -> commit local changes -> push commits to remote -> create tag -> push tag to remote |
extractWordsFromRosettaStoneForAnkiImport.js | learing English vocabularies in RosettaStone -> create note in Anki for each vocabulary |
skipMicDetectionInRosettaStoneCourse.js | learing in RosettaStone -> close mic detection automatically |
- Download the script you want
- Update the variables inside the script
- download and install AutoHotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/)
- run it by AutoHotkey
- you can also use some tools like 'PowerToys Run' or 'Libraries' to quick location the script by keyword when you want to run it
- install Violentmonkey (https://violentmonkey.github.io/) to browser
- copy&paste the script to it