This is a Node.js web application that implements user authentication using Passport.js and MongoDB. It allows users to register, login, and access a protected dashboard page upon successful authentication.
- User registration with validation
- User login with authentication
- Flash messages for error and success notifications
- Protected dashboard accessible only to authenticated users
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Passport.js
- bcrypt.js
- EJS (Embedded JavaScript) for templating
- Bootstrap for styling
- Font Awesome for icons
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies: cd nodejs-passport-authentication npm install 3.Configure MongoDB URI:
Replace YOUR_USERNAME_HERE, YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE, and CLUSTER_NAME_HERE in config/keys.js with your MongoDB Atlas username, password, and cluster name respectively.
- Run the application: npm start
- Visit http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.
Usage 1 Register a new account by visiting /users/register. 2 Login with your registered credentials at /users/login. 3 Access the protected dashboard at /dashboard. 4 Logout by clicking the "Logout" button on the dashboard.
Folder Structure 1 config: Contains configuration files for Passport authentication and MongoDB connection. 2 models: Defines the User model schema for MongoDB. 3 public: Contains static assets such as CSS files and client-side JavaScript. 4 routes: Defines the application routes for handling HTTP requests. 5 views: Contains EJS templates for rendering HTML pages. 6 app.js: Main entry point of the application.
Credits This project was built based on tutorials and guides available online for Node.js authentication with Passport.js.