This repo contains code for minor variant analysis.
The code can take a BAM
file of reads aligned against a reference and compute various statistics related to minor variant detection.
To open a BAM
file, and return a MinorVariantInfo
mvi = MinorVariantInfo(bamFile='data/complete-coverage-insertion-sorted.bam')
The MinorVariantInfo
object has information about coverage per base (coveragePerBase
), the frequency of the most common nucleotide at each position (maxFreqPerBase
), as well as methods to compute the mean coverage, the richness, complexity, distance, and nucleotide diversity. It also has a save function to save the computed information as json
, which can also be parsed using MinorVariantInfo
, which will be much faster than parsing the BAM
also takes arguments to specify the minimum base quality and the minimum mapping quality.
file can also be parsed and saved as json using the script bin/
$ python bin/ --h
usage: [-h] [--sequencingTech SEQUENCINGTECH] [--minBaseQuality MINBASEQUALITY] [--minMappingQuality MINMAPPINGQUALITY] bamFile
Take a bamFile and write MinorVariantInfo.countsPerBase json to stdout.
positional arguments:
bamFile A bam file to be analysed.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sequencingTech SEQUENCINGTECH
The sequencing technology used to create the reads in the bam file.
Minimum base quality. Bases below the minimum quality will not be output.
Only use reads above a minimum mapping quality.