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Adding the vSSH CLI to your path

Atanas Chuchev edited this page May 17, 2022 · 1 revision

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Adding the vSSH CLI to your path

After downloading the vSSH CLI, you can add it to the operating system's PATH environment variable.

To add the vSSH CLI to your PATH, use the following instructions appropriate for your operating system.

Linux and macOS

  1. Find your shell's profile script in your user directory. If you're not sure which shell you have, run echo $SHELL.
$ ls -a ~
.  ..  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  Desktop  Documents  Downloads
  • Bash – .bash_profile, .profile, or .bash_login
  • Zsh – .zshrc
  • Tcsh – .tcshrc, .cshrc, or .login
  1. Add an export command to your profile script. The following command adds your local bin to the current PATH variable.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
  1. Reload the updated profile into your current session.
$ source ~/.bash_profile


  1. In a Windows Command Prompt, use the where command with the /R path parameter to find the vssh file location. The results return all folders containing vssh.
c:\> where /R c:\ vssh.exe
    c:\Program Files\Venafi\vssh\vssh.exe
  1. Press the Windows key and enter environment variables.
  2. From the list of suggestions, choose Edit environment variables for your account.
  3. Choose PATH, and then choose Edit.
  4. Add the path you found in the first step into the Variable value field, for example, c:\Program Files\Venafi\vssh\vssh.exe
  5. Choose OK twice to apply the new settings.
  6. Close any running command prompts and reopen the command prompt window.