Vector Computer Vision Project Tooling support
This is a tool-kit provided by the AI Engineering team for the Computer Vision project at Vector Institute. It includes various datasets readily loadable from the shared cluster as well as useful image/video tools such as data augmentation and visualization utilities.
Provides a list of dataset used for Object Detection, Image Segmentation, and Video Recognition tasks.
- MSCOCO 2017: image captioning, detection, and segmentation
- Cityscape: segmentation
- MVTec: Anomoly detection and segmentation for common objects
- ActivityNet: Videos of human activities
- Kinetics-700: Videos including human-object interactions as well as human-human interactions.
- Various data augmentation transforms considered useful for CV tasks
To install the requirements for the package, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pycocotools
To install the package, run
git clone
cd vector_cv_tools
pip install -e .
This repository is primarily developed by Xin Li and Gerald Shen from Vector Institute, with contributions from Sheen Thusoo for the demo software.