======================================= HOW TO RUN ?
- make
- ./shell
About commands
- contains the main while loop
- reads and parses inputs and sends it to correct handlers
- cd andpinfo are handled in shell.c
- contains implementation for ls , echo , history command
- contains implementation for frequently used functions like handling ~, min, max , removing white_spaces , printing shell name , clearing scree etc
- contains most commonly used headers and user defined headers
- contains implementation for for handling children processes which have become zombies
- It also contains functions such as fg , bg , sig , jobs and other processes .
- Implements input/output redirection
=========================================== MY ASSUMPTIONS
- buffer size is of 5000
- type_flag , file_name ,target_dir have length of less than 100 in discover,c
- please ignore the warning that comes when we run make
- colored files with yellow and directories with blue in discover command
- provides sum taken of the time required to exit fromthe background process
- Always use piping with spacese .
============================================== IMPLETED TILL NOW FROM ASSIGNMENT 3
- fg
- bg
- input/output redirection
- piping
- sig
- jobs