couch_adapter is a simple abstraction that removes dependencies from couch specific logic and mechanisms from your API and/or website. It provides a simple CRUD interface that can be extended, modified, or replaced with another module at a later time, if couchDB needs replaced.
npm install couch_adapter
Creating a new adapter instance is as easy as:
let adapter = require("couch_adapter")(options);
Constructor Options is an object that can contain the following:
- db: The database you wish to attach to. (Required)
- url: The couch url to connect to. -- Can be COUCH_URL environment Variable
- user: Couch User details. -- Can be COUCH_USER environment Variable
- pass: Couch Password details. -- Can be COUCH_PASS environment Variable
- design: (Optional) Design document to use.
- view: (Optional) view to be used
- logLevel: Defaults to "info" ("fatal","error","warn","info","debug","trace")
- read: Method for reading individual document if you want to override default.
- readBulk: Method for reading many documents, if you want to override default.
- create: Method for creating a document, if you want to override default.
- deleteId: Method for deleting a document, if you want to override default.
- update: Method for updating a document, if youw want to override default.
Creating an adapter returns an object with 7 methods: create, read, update, delete, readBulk, getVersion, and logLevel. All methods return a promise.
Creates a document in the configured database.
adapter.create(doc).then((result) => {
Retrieves a document that matches ID from database => {
Retrieves a set of documents from the database
adapter.readBulk(skip, limit).then((result) => {
Updates a document in the database. doc is document
adapter.update(doc).then((result) => {
Deletes a document in the database that matches the passed id.
adapter.delete(id).then((result) => {
Retrieves the version of the module.
adapter.getVersion().then((result) => {
Retrieves the logLevel of the object.
adapter.logLevel().then((result) => {
"ok": true,
"id": "awest2",
"rev": "1-f371adad4ce4b07c5702f103ae9f0864"
"total_rows": 3,
"offset": 0,
{ "id": "awest", "key": "EDL", "value": "awest" },
{ "id": "ckent", "key": "ID", "value": "ckent" },
{ "id": "jtest", "key": "PDL", "value": "jtest" }
Note: Read Bulk does not attach documents to the results.
"total_rows": 1,
"offset": 0,
[ { "id": "awest", "key": "EDL", "value": "awest", "doc": { }} ]
"version": "1.0.0"
"logLevel": "info"
Tests require a couch instance to execute. Configure settings in ./test/configData/config.json.
Scripts available:
npm test : Runs all tests in the /test/ directory
npm run coverage : generates an instanbul coverage report
npm run lint : Performs linting of the files with my style using jshint and jscs
Logs are generaged at either process.env.LOG_DIR or at the root directory of the calling application. Logs are generated using PINO, and follow the naming schema: couch_adapter_MMDDYYYY.log
If you have any questions, suggestions, or issues please contact me at [email protected].
Contributors Welcome!