Normalizing Flows for Interventional Density Estimation
The project is built with the following Python libraries:
- Pyro - deep learning and probabilistic models (MDNs, NFs)
- Hydra - simplified command line arguments management
- MlFlow - experiments tracking
First one needs to make the virtual environment and install all the requirements:
pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 --always-copy venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To start an experiments server, run:
mlflow server --port=5000
To access the MlFLow web UI with all the experiments, connect via ssh:
ssh -N -f -L localhost:5000:localhost:5000 <username>@<server-link>
Then, one can go to the local browser http://localhost:5000.
The main training script is universal for different methods and datasets. For details on mandatory arguments - see the main configuration file config/config.yaml
and other files in config/
Generic script with logging and fixed random seed is the following:
PYTHONPATH=. python3 runnables/ +dataset=<dataset> +model=<model> exp.seed=10
One needs to choose a model and then fill in the specific hyperparameters (they are left blank in the configs):
- Interventional Normalizing Flows (this paper):
- main:
- w/o stud flow (= Conditional Normalizing Flow):
- w/o bias corr:
- main:
- Conditional Normalizing Flows + Truncated Series Estimator (CNF + TS):
- Mixture Density Networks (MDNs):
- Kernel Density Estimation (KDE):
- Distributional Kernel Mean Embeddings (DKME):
- TARNet* (extended distributional TARNet):
Models already have the best hyperparameters saved (for each model and dataset), one can access them via: +model/<dataset>_hparams=<model>
or +model/<dataset>_hparams/<model>=<dataset_param>
. Hyperparameters for three variants of INFs are the same: +model/<dataset>_hparams=infs
To perform a manual hyperparameter tuning use the flags model.tune_hparams=True
, and then see model.hparams_grid
Before running semi-synthetic experiments, place datasets to data/
- IHDP dataset:
- ACIC 2016:
── acic_2016
├── synth_outcomes
| ├── zymu_<id0>.csv
| ├── ...
│ └── zymu_<id14>.csv
├── ids.csv
└── x.csv
── acic_2018
├── scaling
| ├── <id0>.csv
| ├── <id0>_cf.csv
| ├── ...
│ ├── <id23>.csv
│ └── <id23>_cf.csv
├── ids.csv
└── x.csv
We also provide ids of random datasets (ids.csv
), used in experiments for ACIC 2016 and ACIC 2018.
One needs to specify a dataset / dataset generator (and some additional parameters, e.g. set b for polynomial_normal
with dataset.cov_shift=3.0
or dataset index for ACIC with dataset.dataset_ix=0
- Synthetic data using the SCM:
- IHDP dataset:
- ACIC 2016 & 2018 datasets:
- HC-MNIST dataset:
Example of running a 10-fold run with INFs (main) on Synthetic data with b = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]:
PYTHONPATH=. python3 runnables/ -m +dataset=polynomial_normal +model=infs_aiptw +model/polynomial_normal_hparams/infs='2.0','3.0','4.0' exp.seed=10
Example of running 5 runs with random splits with MDNs on the first subset of ACIC 2016 (with tuning, based on the first split):
PYTHONPATH=. python3 runnables/ -m +dataset=acic_2016 +model=mdn_plugin model.tune_hparams=True exp.seed=10 dataset.n_shuffle_splits=5 dataset.dataset_ix=0
Example of running 10 runs with random splits with INFs (main) on HC-MNIST:
PYTHONPATH=. python3 runnables/ -m +dataset=hcmnist +model=infs_aiptw +model/hcmnist_hparams=infs model.target_count_bins=10 exp.seed=101 model.num_epochs=15000 model.target_num_epochs=5000 model.nuisance_hid_dim_multiplier=30 dataset.n_shuffle_splits=10