A script written in NodeJS using nodemailer through which you can send e-mail to many mails at a single command line.
After installing the node modules. Make a .config file with the following credentials.
drop a .xlsx file named content in Excel folder containing Mail IDs in the first row. and create a template in the templates of the content you want to send.
After setting the path of template in main.js just type npm start and done!!!!
Note-> Make sure to turn on less secure app access for sending mails from your account. This can be done at https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps
First you need to make a project in https://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard
Then under api and services add a new client oath2 id.
Set redirect url to https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground
Then go to the following url and enter your client id and secret in settings
then in authorize section enter https://mail.google.com and click on authorize then authorize apis and after successful authentication copy the refresh token.
make a .config file with the following credentials
drop a .xlsx file named content in Excel folder containing Mail IDs in the first row. and create a template in the templates of the content you want to send.
After setting the path of template in main.js just type npm start and done!!!!