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VIP - VOLTTRON™ Interconnect Protocol

This document specifies VIP, the VOLTTRON™ Interconnect Protocol. The use case for VIP is to provide communications between agents, controllers, services, and the supervisory platform in an abstract fashion so that additional protocols can be built and used above VIP. VIP defines how peers connect to the router and the messages they exchange.

  • Name:
  • Editor: Brandon Carpenter <brandon (dot) carpenter (at) pnnl (dot) gov>
  • State: draft
  • See also: ZeroMQ, ZMTP, CurveZMQ, ZAP


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The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Overall Design

What Problems does VIP Address?

When VOLTTRON agents, controllers, or other entities need to exchange data, they could previously do it using the first generation pub/sub messaging mechanism and ad-hoc methods to set up direct connections. While the pub/sub messaging is easy to implement and use, it suffers from several limitations:

  • It requires opening two listening sockets: one each for publishing and subscribing.
  • There is no trivial way to prevent message spoofing.
  • There is no trivial way to enable private messaging
  • It is not ideal for peer-to-peer communications.

These limitations have severe security implications. For improved security in VOLTTRON, the communications protocol must provide a method for secure data exchange that is intuitive and simple to implement.

ZeroMQ already provides many of the building blocks to implement encrypted and authenticated communications over a shared socket. It already includes a socket type implementing the router pattern. What remains is a protocol built on ZeroMQ to provide a single connection point, secure message passing, and retain the ability for entities to come and go as they please.

VIP is just that protocol, specifically targeting the limitations above.

Why ZeroMQ?

Rather than reinvent the wheel, VIP makes use of many features already implemented in ZeroMQ, including ZAP and CurveMQ. While VIP doesn't require the use of ZAP or CurveMQ, there use substantially improves security by encrypting traffic over public networks and limiting connections to authenticated peers.

ZeroMQ also provides reliable transports with built-in framing, automatic reconnection, in-process zero-copy message passing, abstractions for underlying protocols, and so much more. While some of these features create other pain points, they are minimal compared with the effort of either reimplementing or cobbling together libraries.

VIP is a routing protocol

VIP uses the ZeroMQ router pattern. Specifically, the router binds a ROUTER socket and peers connect using a DEALER or ROUTER socket. Unless the peer is connecting a single socket to multiple routers, using the DEALER socket is easiest, but there are instances where using a ROUTER is more appropriate. One must just exercise care to include the proper address envelope to ensure proper routing.

Extensible Security

VIP makes no assumptions about the security mechanisms used. It works equally well over encrypted or unencrypted channels. Any connection-level authentication and encryption is handled by ZAP. Message-level authentication can be implemented in the protocols and services using VIP or by utilizing message properties set in ZAP replies.

ZeroMQ Compatibility

For enhanced security, VOLTTRON recommends libzmq version 4.1 or greater, however, most features of VIP are available with older versions. The following is an incomplete list of core features available with recent versions of libzmq.

  • Version 3.2:
    • Basic, unauthenticated, unencrypted routing
    • Use ZMQ_ROUTER_BEHAVIOR socket option instead of ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY
  • Version 4.0:
    • Adds authentication and encryption via ZAP
  • Version 4.1:
    • Adds message properties allowing correlating authentication tokens to messages

Message Format and Version Detection

VIP uses a simple, multi-frame format for its messages. The first one (for peers) or two (for router) frames contain the delivery addresses and are follow immediately by the VIP signature VIP1. The first characters of the signature are used to match the protocol and the last character digit indicates the protocol version, which will be incremented as the protocol is revised. This allows for fail-fast behavior and backward compatibility while being simple to implement in any language supported by ZeroMQ.

Formal Specification


VIP defines a message-based dialog between a router that transfers data between peers. The router and peers SHALL communicate using the following socket types and transports:

  • The router SHALL use a ROUTER socket.
  • Peers SHALL use a DEALER or ROUTER socket.
  • The router SHALL bind to the "inproc://platform" endpoint.
  • Router services SHALL connect to the "inproc://platform" endpoint.
  • The router SHOULD bind to one or more additional endpoints.
  • Peers SHALL connect to these additional endpoints.
  • There SHALL be one router in a VOLTTRON process.
  • There MAY be any number of peers and services.

Message Format

A routing exchange SHALL consist of a peer sending a message to the router followed by the router receiving the message and sending it to the destination peer.

Messages sent to the router by peers SHALL consist of the following message frames:

  • The recipient, which SHALL contain the socket identity of the destination peer.
  • The protocol signature, which SHALL contain the four octets "VIP1".
  • The user id, which SHALL be an implementation-defined value.
  • The request id, which SHALL contain an opaque binary blob.
  • The subsystem, which SHALL contain a string.
  • The data, which SHALL be zero or more opaque frames.

Messages received from a peer by the router will automatically have a sender frame prepended to the message by the ROUTER socket. When the router forwards the message, the sender and recipient fields are swapped so that the recipient is in the first frame and the sender is in the second frame. The recipient frame will be stripped by the ROUTER socket before delivery. Peers using ROUTER sockets must prepend the message with an intermediary frame, which SHALL contain the identity of a router socket.

Messages received from the router by peers SHALL consist of the following message frames:

  • The sender, which SHALL contain the socket identity of the source peer.
  • The protocol signature, which SHALL contain the four octets "VIP1".
  • The user id, which MAY contain a UTF-8 encoded string.
  • The request id, which SHALL contain an opaque binary blob.
  • The subsystem, which SHALL contain a non-empty string.
  • The data, which SHALL be zero or more opaque frames.

The various fields have these meanings:

  • sender: the ZeroMQ DEALER or ROUTER identity of the sending (source) peer.
  • recipient: the ZeroMQ DEALER or ROUTER identity of the recipient (destination) peer.
  • intermediary: the ZeroMQ ROUTER identity of the intermediary router.
  • user id: VIP authentication metadata set in the authenticator. See the discussion below for more information on this value.
  • request id: the meaning of this is defined by the sending peer. Replies SHALL echo the request id without modifying it.
  • subsystem: this specifies the peer subsystem the data is intended for. The length of a subsystem name SHALL NOT exceed 255 characters and MUST only contain ASCII characters.
  • data: provides the data for the given subsystem. The number of frames required is defined by each subsystem.

User ID

The value in the user id frame depends on the implementation and the version of ZeroMQ. If ZAP is used with libzmq 4.1.0 or newer, peers should send an empty string for the user id and the ZAP authenticator will replace it with an authentication token which receiving peers may use to authorize access. If ZAP is not used or a version of libzmq is used which lacks support for retrieving the user id metadata from messages, an authentication subsystem may be used to authenticate peers. The authentication subsystem SHALL provide peers with private tokens that must be sent with each message in the user id frame and which the router will substitute with a public token before forwarding. If the message cannot be authenticated, the user id received by peers SHALL be a zero-length string.

Socket Types

Peers communicating via the router will typically use DEALER sockets and should not require additional handling. However, a DEALER peer may only connect to a single router. Peers may use ROUTER sockets to connect to multiple endpoints, but must prepend the routing ID of the destination.

  • When using a DEALER socket, the peer SHALL not send in intermediary address.
  • When using a DEALER socket, the peer SHALL connect to a single endpoint.
  • When using a ROUTER socket, the peer SHALL prepend the intermediary routing ID of to the message frames.
  • When using a ROUTER socket, the peer MAY connect to multiple endpoints.

Routing Identities

Routing identities are set on a socket using the ZMQ_IDENTITY socket option and may be set on both ROUTER and DEALER sockets. Aside from the restrictions already placed on the identity value, peers must abide by one more restriction:

  • Peer identities MUST NOT start with a period ('.').

Peer identities beginning with a period are reserved for internal platform services. A zero length identity is invalid for peers and is, therefore, unroutable. It is used instead to address the router itself.

  • Peers SHALL use a zero length recipient to address the router.
  • Messages sent from the router SHALL have a zero length sender address.

Error Handling

The documented default behavior of ZeroMQ ROUTER sockets when entering the mute state (when the send buffer is full) is to silently discard messages without blocking. This behavior, however, is not consistently observed. Quietly discarding messages is not the desired behavior anyway because it prevents peers from taking appropriate action to the error condition. A router, therefore, SHALL set the ZMQ_SNDTIMEO socket option to 0 and forward EAGAIN errors to the sender, unless the recipient address matches the sender.

It is also the default behavior of a ROUTER socket to silently drop messages addressed to unknown peers. A router, therefore, SHALL set the ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY socket option and forward EHOSTUNREACH errors to the sender, unless the recipient address matches the sender.

TODO: define the error message format


Peers may support any number of communications protocols or subsystems. For instance, there may be a remote procedure call (RPC) subsystem which defines its own protocol. These subsystems are outside the scope of VIP and this document with the exception of the hello and ping subsystems.

  • A router SHALL implement the hello subsystem.
  • All peers and routers SHALL implement the ping subsystem.

The hello Subsystem

The hello subsystem provides one simple RPC-style routine for peers to probe the router for version and identity information.

A peer hello request message must contain the following:

  • The recipient frame SHALL have a zero length value.
  • The request id MAY have an opaque binary value.
  • The subsystem SHALL be the 5 characters "hello".
  • There SHALL be no data frames.

A peer hello reply message must contain the following:

  • The sender frame SHALL have a zero length value.
  • The request id SHALL be copied unchanged from the associated request.
  • The subsystem SHALL be the 7 characters "welcome".
  • The first data frame SHALL be a string containing the router version number.
  • The second data frame SHALL be the router's identity blob.
  • The third data frame SHALL be the peer's identity blob.

The hello subsystem can help a peer with the following tasks:

  • Test that a connection is established.
  • Discover the version of the router.
  • Discover the identity of the router.
  • Discover the identity of the peer.
  • Discover authentication metadata.

For instance, if a peer will use a ROUTER socket for its connections, it must first know the identity of the router. The peer might first connect with a DEALER socket, issue a hello, and use the returned identity to then connect the ROUTER socket.

The ping Subsystem

The ping subsystem is useful for testing the presence of a peer and the integrity and latency of the connection. All endpoints, including the router, must support the ping subsystem.

A peer ping request message must contain the following:

  • The recipient frame SHALL contain the identity of the endpoint to query.
  • The request id MAY have an opaque binary value.
  • The subsystem SHALL be the 4 characters "ping".
  • There MAY be zero or more data frames containing opaque binary blobs.

A ping response message must contain the following:

  • The sender frame SHALL contain the identity of the queried endpoint.
  • The request id SHALL be copied unchanged from the associated request.
  • The subsystem SHALL be the 4 characters "pong".
  • All data frames from the request SHALL be returned unchanged.

The ping reply is a pong because all endpoints must support the ping subsystem and the pong allows endpoints to differentiate requests from replies while keeping the protocol simple. Any data can be included in the ping and should be returned unchanged in the pong, but limited trust should be placed in that data as it is possible a peer might modify it against the direction of this specification.


VIP does not define how to discover peers or routers. Typical options might be to hard code the router address in peers or to pass it in via the peer configuration. A well known (i.e. statically named) directory service might be used to register connected peers and allow for discovery by other peers.

Example Exchanges

These examples show the messages as sent on the wire as sent or received by peers using DEALER sockets. The messages received or sent by peers or routers using ROUTER sockets will have an additional address at the start. We do not show the frame sizes or flags, only frame contents.

Example of hello Request

This shows a hello request sent by a peer, with identity "alice", to a connected router, with identity "router".

| |                 Empty recipient frame
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty user ID frame
| 0001 |            Request ID, for example "0001"
| hello |           Subsystem, "hello" in this case

This example assumes a DEALER socket. If a peer uses a ROUTER socket, it SHALL prepend an additional frame containing the router identity, similar to the following example.

This shows the example request received by the router:

| alice |           Sender frame, "alice" in this case
| |                 Empty recipient frame
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty user ID frame
| 0001 |            Request ID, for example "0001"
| hello |           Subsystem, "hello" in this case

This shows an example reply sent by the router:

| alice |           Recipient frame, "alice" in this case
| |                 Empty sender frame
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty authentication metadata in user ID frame
| 0001 |            Request ID, for example "0001"
| hello |           Subsystem, "hello" in this case
| 1.0 |             Version of the router
| router |          Router ID, "router" in this case
| alice |           Peer ID, "alice" in this case

This shows an example reply received by the peer:

| |                 Empty sender frame
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty authentication metadata in user ID frame
| 0001 |            Request ID, for example "0001"
| welcome |         Subsystem, "welcome" in this case
| 1.0 |             Version of the router
| router |          Router ID, "router" in this case
| alice |           Peer ID, "alice" in this case

Example of ping Subsystem

This shows a ping request sent by the peer "alice" to the peer "bob" through the router "router".

| bob |             Recipient frame, "bob" in this case
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty user ID frame
| 0002 |            Request ID, for example "0002"
| ping |            Subsystem, "ping" in this case
| 1422573492 |      Data, a single frame in this case (Unix timestamp)

This shows the example request received by the router:

| alice |           Sender frame, "alice" in this case
| bob |             Recipient frame, "bob" in this case
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty user ID frame
| 0002 |            Request ID, for example "0002"
| ping |            Subsystem, "ping" in this case
| 1422573492 |      Data, a single frame in this case (Unix timestamp)

This shows the example request forwarded by the router:

| bob |             Recipient frame, "bob" in this case
| alice |           Sender frame, "alice" in this case
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty authentication metadata in user ID frame
| 0002 |            Request ID, for example "0002"
| ping |            Subsystem, "ping" in this case
| 1422573492 |      Data, a single frame in this case (Unix timestamp)

This shows the example request received by "bob":

| alice |           Sender frame, "alice" in this case
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty authentication metadata in user ID frame
| 0002 |            Request ID, for example "0002"
| ping |            Subsystem, "ping" in this case
| 1422573492 |      Data, a single frame in this case (Unix timestamp)

If "bob" were using a ROUTER socket, there would be an additional frame prepended to the message containing the router identity, "router" in this case.

This shows an example reply from "bob" to "alice"

| alice |           Recipient frame, "alice" in this case
| VIP1 |            Signature frame
| |                 Empty user ID frame
| 0002 |            Request ID, for example "0002"
| pong |            Subsystem, "pong" in this case
| 1422573492 |      Data, a single frame in this case (Unix timestamp)

The message would make its way back through the router in a similar fashion to the request. The only difference is that it is destined for "alice" with a subsystem of "pong".

Reference Implementation

TODO: Implement and reference example implementation

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