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Agent Creation Walkthrough

It is recommended that developers look at the ListenerAgent before developing their own agent. That agent expresses the basic functionality this example will walk through and being familiar with the concepts will be useful.

Full versions of the files discussed below are at: TestAgent

Additional details about the commands used in this walkthrough are at: AgentManagement

Create Folders

  • In the "applications" directory, create a new directory called TestAgent.
  • In TestAgent, create a new folder tester, this is the package where our python code will be created

Create Agent Code

  • In tester, create a file called which tells Python to treat this folder as a package
  • In the tester package folder, create the file
  • Create a class called TestAgent
    • Import the packages and classes we will need:
import sys

from import Agent, PubSub
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
    • This agent will extend BaseAgent to get all the default functionality
    • Since we want to publish we will use the PublishMixin. Mixins should be put first in the class definition
class TestAgent(Agent):
  • Create an init method to deal with creating the agent and getting the config file later

    def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
        super(TestAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs)

Setting up a Subscription

We will set our agent up to listen to heartbeat messages (published by ListenerAgent). Using the PubSub package, we declare we want to match all topics which start with "heartbeat/listeneragent". This will give us all heartbeat messages from all listeneragents but no others.

    @PubSub.subscribe('pubsub', 'heartbeat/listeneragent')
    def on_heartbeat_topic(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message):
           print "TestAgent got\nTopic: {topic}, {headers}, Message: {message}".format(topic=topic, headers=headers, message=message)

Argument Parsing and Main

Our agent will need to be able to parse arguments being passed on the command line by the agent launcher. Use the utils.default-main method to handle argument parsing and other default behavior. Create a main method which can be called by the launcher.

def main(argv=sys.argv):
    '''Main method called by the platform.'''

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Entry point for script
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Create Support Files for Agent

Volttron agents need some configuration files for packaging, configuration, and launching.

Packaging Configuration

In the TestAgent folder, create a file called "" (or copy the in ListenerAgent) which the platform will use to create a [wheel].( This file sets up the name, version, required packages, method to execute, etc. for the agent. The packaging process will also use this information to name the resulting file.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

packages = find_packages('.')
package = packages[0]

    name = package + 'agent',
    version = "0.1",
    install_requires = ['volttron'],
    packages = packages,
    entry_points = {
        'setuptools.installation': [
            'eggsecutable = ' + package + '.agent:main',

Launch Configuration

In TestAgent, create a file called "testagent.config". This is the file the platform will use to launch the agent. It can also contain configuration information for the agent.

For TestAgent,

    "agentid": "Test1",
    "message": "hello"    

Agent Directory

At this point, the contents of the TestAgent directory should look like:

├── testagent.config
└── tester

Packaging Agent

The agent code must now be packaged up for use by the platform. The package command will build the Python wheel using the file we defined earlier.

From the project directory, activate the VOLTTRON environment with:

. env/bin/activate

Then call:

volttron-pkg package applications/TestAgent

By default, this creates a wheel file in the VOLTTRON_HOME directory (~/.volttron by default) in the packaged dreictory. Next, we add our configuration file to this package with:

volttron-pkg configure ~/.volttron/packaged/testeragent-0.1-py2-none-any.whl applications/TestAgent/testagent.config

Installing the Agent

Now we must install it into the platform. Use:

volttron-ctl install ~/.volttron/packaged/testeragent-0.1-py2-none-any.whl

Testing the Agent

From the Command Line

To test the agent, we will start the platform, launch the agent, and check the log file.

  • With the VOLTTRON environment activated, start the platform by running

volttron -l volttron.log -vv&

  • Launch the agent by running:

volttron-ctl start --name testeragent-0.1

volttron-ctl status

  • Start the ListenerAgent as in BuildingTheProject
  • Check the log file for messages indicating the TestAgent is receiving the ListenerAgents messages:

tail volttron.log

2014-09-17 15:30:50,088 (testeragent-0.1 3792) <stdout> INFO: Topic: heartbeat/listeneragent, Headers({u'Date': u'2014-09-17 22:30:50.079548Z', u'AgentID': u'listener1', u'Content-Type': u'text/plain'}), Message:   ['2014-09-17 22:30:50.079548Z']

In Eclipse

  • If you are working in Eclipse, create a run configuration for TestAgent based on the ListenerAgent configuration in EclipseDevEnvironment.
  • Launch the platform
  • Launch the TestAgent
  • Launch the ListenerAgent

TestAgent should start receiving the heartbeats from ListenerAgent

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