Prerequisites: install windows terminal (I use ubuntu) install Git, command: $sudo apt install git-all
installing hugo: install hugo, command: $sudo apt install hugo link for more info
using hugo: enter the folder with the website run the command $hugo serve a link should appear to open the local web link
Sidebar edits:
- Sidebars are found under the /layouts/partials/sidebars/ and are written in html
- markdown files have a sidebar_left and sidebar_right options where the sidebars are rendered Markdown additions and edits:
- all markdown files are found under /content/
- to add a new markdown file to the main bar, add this to the top "--- menu: main title: "New Name" description: "add a description for the gray text above the image" image: "image path" ---" Adding to submenu:
- to add a new markdown file to the archives, add the markdown file to /content/archives/
- set the menu to archives (menu:archives)
- go to /config/_default/menus.toml/ and add "[[main]] parent = "ARCHIVES" name = "NEW FILE NAME" url = "/archives/NEW FILE NAME/" weight = above name weight + 1" Adding new image:
- add image to /static/images/
- use images/image_name.png as the path in markdown Note: images being added in html '{{absURL "images/DocumentImages/overviewOverlay.jpg"}}' or it will not render in github pages CSS Edits:
- do NOT use the CSS in the theme, go to /assets/sass/custom.scss to make changes.