PHP library to communicate with bank through EBICS protocol.
$ composer require andrew-svirin/ebics-client-php
andrew-svirin/ebics-client-php is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details
use AndrewSvirin\Ebics\EbicsClient;
use AndrewSvirin\Ebics\Handlers\ResponseHandler;
use AndrewSvirin\Ebics\Models\Bank;
use AndrewSvirin\Ebics\Models\User;
use AndrewSvirin\Ebics\Services\KeyRingManager;
// Prepare `workspace` dir in the __PATH_TO_WORKSPACES_DIR__ manually.
$keyRingRealPath = __PATH_TO_WORKSPACES_DIR__ . '/workspace/keyring.json';
// Use __IS_CERTIFIED__ true for French banks, otherwise use false.
$keyRingManager = new KeyRingManager($keyRingRealPath, __PASSWORD__, __IS_CERTIFIED__);
$keyRing = $keyRingManager->loadKeyRing();
$bank = new Bank(__HOST_ID__, __HOST_URL__);
$user = new User(__PARTNER_ID__, __USER_ID__);
$client = new EbicsClient($bank, $user, $keyRing);
$ini = $client->INI();
$responseHandler = new ResponseHandler();
$code = $responseHandler->retrieveH004ReturnCode($ini);
$reportText = $responseHandler->retrieveH004ReportText($ini);
echo $code . '-' . $reportText . "\n";
$hia = $client->HIA();
$code = $responseHandler->retrieveH004ReturnCode($hia);
$reportText = $responseHandler->retrieveH004ReportText($hia);
echo $code . '-' . $reportText . "\n";
$hpb = $client->HPB();
$code = $responseHandler->retrieveH004ReturnCode($hia);
$reportText = $responseHandler->retrieveH004ReportText($hia);
echo $code . '-' . $reportText . "\n";
More methods you can find in tests/Unit/EbicsTest