Vagrant configuration for testing Moodle upgrade from 1.9.19 to 2.6.
Unlikely to be of much use unless you meet all the following criteria:
- Need to upgrade Moodle from 1.x to 2.x (major version bump, lots of changes).
- Use Gentoo as your Linux distribution.
- Use Apache as your web server.
- Use MySQL as your database server.
- Vagrant 1.3.5 or later.
- VirtualBox 4.3.x or later.
The VM has been tested with the following combination (both using Windows 7 as the host operating system):
- Vagrant 1.3.5 and VirtualBox 4.3.6
- Vagrant 1.5.x and VirtualBox 4.3.10
The box used is a standard x86 Gentoo install, with the following changes:
is 3.4.76, as this VM needs to run on a machine without support for hardware virtualization. Gentoo kernels from 3.10 onwards hang - see:
In addition, the following packages have been installed:
PHP needs to be built with support for the mysqli
extension, so add the following line to /etc/portage/package.use
dev-lang/php apache2 berkdb cli crypt ctype curl fileinfo filter ftp gd gdbm hash iconv intl ipv6 json ldap ldap-sasl mysql mysqli nls opcache phar posix readline session simplexml soap spell ssl tokenizer truetype unicode xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter zip zlib
PHP needs to be loaded as an Apache module. Add -D PHP5
in /etc/conf.d/apache3
The initial MySQL database needs to be set up:
Apache and Puppet also need to be started on boot (MySQL is started in Puppet manifest):
rc-update add apache2 default
rc-udpate add puppet default
Puppet modules need to be installed (puppet module install
The global USE
variable is set to: bindist -X apache2 mysql php