This is a repository of Unity code samples from the Accelerate Solutions Games team. The samples have been created as prototypes and research conducted in the course of our work with Integrated Success Services (ISS) partners and Professional Services engagements.
Everyone is free to adapt and use these code samples for their own needs, but they are strictly provided as-is. See the license for more details.
Unity version: 2020.3
Lockable Asset folders that prevent changes to their contents.
Unity version: 2020.3
How to create an AssetBundle with the shaders included in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) package.
Unity version: 2020.3
Performance benchmark project for measuring the impact of using multiple Cameras in Unity's Built-in Render Pipeline and the Universal Render Pipeline (URP).
Unity version: 2020.3.17+
Tool to compile shaders to glsl and then run the Mali Offline Compiler on the result to get a report.
Unity version: 2020.3
How to import externally-generated (e.g. in Blender) lightprobes in a Unity scene.
See here.