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Folders and files

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38 Commits

Repository files navigation

🎯 Objective

Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage following the user requirements.

📜 User Requirements

  • The portfolio should have a welcome section with an id welcome-section.
  • The welcome section should have an h1 element that contains text.
  • The portfolio should have a projects section with an id projects.
  • The projects section should contain at least one element with a class project-tile to hold a project.
  • The projects section should contain at least one link to a project.
  • The portfolio should have a navbar with an id navbar.
  • The navbar should contain at least one link to click to navigate to different sections of the page.
  • The portfolio should have a link with an id profile-link, which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.
  • The portfolio should have at least one media query.
  • The height of the welcome section should be equal to the height of the viewport.
  • The navbar should always be at the top of the viewport.

🛠 Tools That Can Be Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap or SASS
  • jQuery, React, Angular, or Vue



📔 Commits Guidelines

  • Using as reference Conventional Commits
  • Every commit should have a sign with the contributor's GPG key
  • The basic structure should be [{ type in uppercase }] { description using imperative writing style or writing as a if it were a command }", for example:
    • [UPDATE] header component with a new one more darker
  • For the types we have:
    • [UPDATE] : when we need to add a new feature, tests or change a property.
    • [FIX] : to implement the code necessary to fix a problem.
    • [DELETE] : when a file is going to be deleted and not replaced.
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] or ! : to implement changes that are going to affect the integration with other services, for example:
      • [UPDATE]! API version to v2 for new endpoints

🤝 How to Contribute

  1. Create a new branch using as base the dev branch.
  2. Do the necessary improvements and make a commit: git commit -S -am "{commit message}" or use git add . and then git commit -S -m "{commit message}".
  3. Upload changes to the repository: git push origin <branch name>.
  4. Create a pull request to the dev branch.
  5. Wait for the code review and the merge.
  6. Now your changes are in the dev environment.
  7. After a review your changes are going to be merged to the master branch.
  8. For certain contributors there are exeptions to these steps.