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Welcome, Here's a collection of iPhone Apps I built. Chronologically ordered by the most recent project above. Some Apps demonstrating the new features that come in iOS 11 & Swift 4.

Food Truck Finder

This is the iOS version of the Food Truck Finder App that is also built for Android. This app demonstrates a list of recently saved food trucks and thier locations. Users must be loggged or signup in order to be save trucks. Click on a list item and view details about the food truck such as the name, food type, average cost, reviews and location. All the data is being saved, added, edited by a custom built Food Truck API that I built.

Built With

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Ramp Park

This app demonstrates the functionality of ARKit. This app lets a user create a skate park anywhere they like using the camera! Users can select 1 of 3 models and place it on the screen using the surface detection technology provided by apple inc. You can also rotate the model & move it around for better placement. If your dont like where it's placed, simple delete it from the screen and try again.

Built With

  • ARKit - Augmented reality framework.
  • SceneKit - 3D graphics framework.
  • 3D Models - provided online

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This app demonstrates the functionality of CoreML. This app utilizes the camera to scan an object on an image that you take and pass that through a machine learning model to predict the name of that object. Then It speaks and displays the name and the confidence percentage of the object.

Built With

  • CoreML - Integrates machine learning models into this app.
  • Vison - High-performance image analysis.
  • AVFoundation - Add Media functionality to apps.
  • AVSpeechSyntizer - Add Speech functionality to apps.
  • SqueezeNet - ML Model that detects the dominant objects present in an image from a set of 1000 categories such as trees, animals, food, vehicles, people, and more.

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A simple social media app for developers. Users can register/login and communicate with other developers. It Has a main full feed. Users can add groups, invite other users that are signed up and chat privately.

Built With

  • UITabBar - Displays one or more buttons in a tab bar for selecting between different views.
  • FireBase - Backend datbase for application.
  • Cocoa Pods - Custom libraries for iOS.

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A simple C.R.U.D App. Add goals and keep track of them.

Built With

  • CoreData - Managing the model layer objects in the application

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This app demonstrates a non-consumable IAP where you can remove ads from an app. IF user deletes app later on, users can re download the app and click a button to restore their purchase.

Built With

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Pixel City

A simple map app that gets your current location and displays a collection of images when a pin is dropped on the map.

Built With

  • MapKit - Map kit view.
  • Location Servcies - Enables user location
  • UIGestures - Enables gestures functionality.
  • Flickr API - Used to pull images to app.
  • Alamofire - Makes it easier to work with web request.
  • Alamofire Images - An image component library for Alamofire.
  • 3D Touch - Sneek peek an image in collection.
  • Custom View Controller - Added view controller and view programatically.

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Talk Smack

Fully functional Slack app clone. Users can create/login accounts, Choose a username avatar and color. It also enables users to create chat rooms and communciate with users in real time!

Built With

  • SWReveal - Custom side menu view.
  • Cocoa Pods - Custom libraries for iOS.
  • Swifty Json - Makes it easier to work with Json data.
  • Alamofire - Makes it easier to work with web request.
  • - Enables real-time bi-directional event-based communication.
  • Heroku - Container-based cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Postman - Used for local API testing.
  • Custom API - Custom API built with Mongo.db.

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Coder Swag

Minor functionality store front app demonstrating different UIViews.

Built With

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Window Shopper

Fully functional app that assist you in knowing how much time it would take you to purchase an item. Put in a price for an item and your hourly wage that you get at your job to see how long it would take you to be able to afford that item.

Built With

  • Input Accessory views - Created UIButton element programmatically and attached it to the textField accessory.
  • DrawRect - Created UILabel '$' and added to the left of the textfields.
  • Unit Testing - Testing app data.
  • Custom TextFields
  • IBDesignable - Created custom elements and the attributes.

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Dev Profile

Learned to create adaptive interfaces that change based on screen size.

Built With

  • Auto Layout - Adding support for multiple iPhone & iPad screens.

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BBall Pick Ups

Learned the foundation of ios development. Creating Storyboards, View Controllers, Interface Design, swap between screens and pass data between them.

Built With

  • Frames - Adding contstraints programmatically.
  • Auto Layout - Adding support for multiple screens.
  • Stack View - Adding layout collections.
  • Segues - Connecting segues traditionally and prgramatically.
  • IBActions - Connecting points between user interface elements and app code.

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A collection of my apple iPhone apps.






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