- 👋 Hi, I’m @UchiTesting
- I did a bit of everything in IT (Tech Support, Operator, Developer)
- I love the .NET stack of technologies. I have been trained C# and worked with:
- WPF, Xamarin, ASP .NET MVC
- LINQ, Entity Framework, SQL Server
- Visual Studio as IDE (for .NET) and VS Code as code editor (for front-end mostly)
- I did complete my knowledge with:
- ASP .NET Core
- EF Core
- React
- 🌱 Prepared and passed a Java Full-Stack certification until end of November 2022. The training teaches:
- Java OOP
- GIT (I use GIT for years already yet I learnt a few cool things)
- SQL, JPA Hibernate
- Angular, JFS, Spring
- Eclipse as an IDE
- In my free time I am currently learning various stuff ( K8S, Blazor, TPL, Advanced T-SQL, you name it...)
- I am currently working as a developer for a digital services company.
This course got completed with Kubernetes (thanks @bstashchuk). I will complete my notes and work on it at a later time
- 👀 I’m interested in IT (I know. Suprising, right?) focusing on development
- In my free time I play video games (just a bit to relax), listen to music, on occasion play-around with sound design, photography and computer graphics (mostly GIMP or Inkscape)