Does the job of getting a quick clean and ready VM to start playing with Symfony 2.
- Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 amd64 with VB 4.2.4 (will be downloaded automatically at first start)
- apache vhost server name: myusj.localhost
- apache vhost port number: 4567
- apache vhost document root: /srv/www/myusj/public_html/web
Everything should start fine. If using the default options:
- make an entry in your local hosts file for: myusj.localhost
- connect using: http://myusj.localhost:4567
The box will have all the packages installed to meet the symfony 2 requirements.
- Put the content of Symfony 2 in vagrant/public_html folder (important because the shared folder point there)
- update check.php, app_dev.php and others accordingly to allow your remote server ip address
Should work.
- everything hardcoded, no arguments/options