Say something about ProjectZer0. Maecenas porta risus ut convallis hendrerit. Aenean aliquet, dolor lobortis blandit laoreet, mauris nulla interdum odio, in lacinia libero quam feugiat augue. Fusce dapibus tristique dui, quis interdum ipsum aliquet nec.
- bash
- conda 4.7.12
- python 3.6.9
- tensorflow (>=2.1.0)
- django 2.2.5
- R 3.6.2
- dada2 1.14.1
tar -vxzf projectZer0.tar.gz
cd projectZer0 && conda create -n Zer0 python=3.6.9 --file requirements.txt
conda activate Zer0
python runserver
Use a web browser* to access Zer0 locally at http://localhost:8000 or
*google chrome preferred
The purpose of this part of the task is to analyze the raw microbiome sequencing data and acquire the bacterial counts in each sample.
The requirements:
- Paired-end fastq files for each sample
Data format for each sample:
- Forward fastq: xxxx_R1_001.fastq
- Reverse fastq: xxxx_R2_001.fastq
The way the files should be kept:
- All the fastq files should be demultiplexed and stored in one folder
- The folder may be uploaded to the server in zipped format
Users can subsample a certain number of reads from each sample to reduce the data volume They can do it using seqtk tool which is available here:
Does it need anything else? No, everything else is already in the server
Generate bacterial counts table: The pre-loaded scripts can give the following results:
- How many sequences in each sample had at the beginning and how many remained at each of the processing step
- The sequences of each Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) in fasta format
- The bacterial count table for all the samples (ASV counts in rows and samples in the columns)
- The taxonomies (upto genus or species level) of each ASV based on Silva Database v.132
Luctus quis. Vivamus ut consectetur orci, vel venenatis lacus.
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Gravida quis purus:
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If you use projectZero in your research, please cite:
*Manuscript in Preperation