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Releases: USEPA/EPA_MOVES_Model


22 Jan 19:51
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MOVES4.0.2 is a patch to MOVES4. MOVES4.0.2 does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES4 at the County or Project Scales, and it is not considered a new model for state implementation plan or transportation conformity regulatory purposes. Modelers continuing to use MOVES4 may use MOVES4.0.2, MOVES4.0.1 or MOVES4.0.0. Compared to MOVES4.0.1, emissions from MOVES4.0.2 may differ, especially if the modeler is modeling a large fraction of CNG long-haul trucks, providing start activity input for only one day type, or providing HotellingHoursPerDay input for less than 12 months. For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES4 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES4.

A detailed description of the changes in MOVES4.0.2 is available at

A model change bulletin is also maintained at


21 Nov 16:45
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EPA's MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system that estimates emissions for mobile sources at the national, county, and project level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics. MOVES is available under EPA's Open-Source Software policy.

MOVES5 replaces the MOVES4 series of models as EPA’s latest model for estimating air pollution emissions from cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buses, as well as many categories of nonroad equipment. MOVES5 allows users to model the benefits from new regulations promulgated since MOVES4 was released, incorporates the latest vehicle and emissions data, and has improved functionality. The MOVES5.0.0 milestone page contains an overview of changes between MOVES4 and MOVES5. For more information, see the MOVES Overview Report.

Additional resources are available on the MOVES web page, including a detailed “Question and Answer” document, MOVES Policy Guidance, MOVES Technical Guidance, technical reports that document the data and algorithms used in MOVES4. The website also includes links to tools for use with MOVES and information on MOVES training.


24 Oct 19:32
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EPA's MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system that estimates emissions for mobile sources at the national, county, and project level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics. MOVES is available under EPA's Open-Source Software policy.

This is a draft version of MOVES5 called the MOVES5-ReleaseCandidate2. We are releasing the MOVES5 release candidate for testing purposes and for modelers to become familiar with functional changes between MOVES4 and MOVES5 before MOVES5.0.0 is released. Results from the release candidate version may not be used in work for state implementation plans, conformity determinations, or for any other regulatory purpose.

The release candidate version of MOVES5 incorporates several important updates, including:

  • Accounting for EPA’s Light- and Medium-Duty Multi-Pollutant Rule with higher projected electric vehicle (EV) fractions and more stringent standards for carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM), non-methane organic gases (NMOG), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
  • Accounting for EPA’s Heavy-Duty Greenhouse Gas Emissions-Phase 3 Rule with higher projected EV fractions and updated energy consumption estimates for heavy-duty EVs.
  • Incorporating new data on light-duty (LD) and heavy-duty (HD) brake wear emissions.
  • Expanding detailed calculations for a given analysis year to vehicles up to 40 years old, instead of 30.
  • Updating onroad and nonroad fuel properties for calendar year 2021 and later.
  • Updating historical and forecast default vehicle miles travelled (VMT), vehicle populations, age distributions, and fuel type distributions.

The installer for this release candidate is available under the "Assets" heading below.

We plan to release the official MOVES5 model (MOVES5.0.0) later this year, along with full documentation and guidance on how MOVES5 should be used. Results from the official MOVES5.0.0 may differ from the results of this release candidate. Until the official version of MOVES5 is available, MOVES4.0.1 (at and is the latest version of MOVES for regulatory purposes. For more information, see MOVES4 Policy Guidance: Use of MOVES for State Implementation Plan Development, Transportation Conformity, General Conformity and Other Purposes (EPA-420-B-23-009).

For additional information on MOVES, visit EPA's MOVES website.


18 Jan 14:50
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MOVES4.0.1 is a patch to MOVES4. It is not considered a new model for state implementation plan (SIP) and transportation conformity regulatory purposes. This update does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES4 at the County or Project scales, and it is not considered a new model for State Implementation Plan (SIP) and transportation conformity regulatory purposes.

We recommend downloading and using this new version if you have not yet used MOVES4, you are modeling GHG emissions using the Default Scale, you are applying temporal pre-aggregation at County Scale (note, not allowable for SIP or conformity purposes), or you need to generate speciated air quality inputs for multiple counties. Otherwise, MOVES4 modelers can decide whether to download the new version or continue to use MOVES4.0.0. For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES4 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES4.

A detailed description of the changes in MOVES4.0.1 is available at

A model change bulletin is also maintained at


30 Aug 13:58
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EPA's MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system that estimates emissions for mobile sources at the national, county, and project level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics. MOVES is available under EPA's Open-Source Software policy.

MOVES4 replaces the MOVES3 series of models as EPA’s latest model for estimating air pollution emissions from cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buses, as well as many categories of nonroad equipment. MOVES4 allows users to model the benefits from new regulations promulgated since MOVES3 was released, incorporates the latest vehicle and emissions data, and has improved functionality—especially for modeling electric vehicles. The MOVES4.0.0 milestone page contains a list of changes between MOVES3 and MOVES4. For more information, see the MOVES Overview Report.

Additional resources are available on the MOVES web page, including a detailed “Question and Answer” document, MOVES Policy Guidance, MOVES Technical Guidance, technical reports that document the data and algorithms used in MOVES4. The website also includes links to tools for use with MOVES and information on MOVES training.


13 Jun 14:09
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MOVES4-RC2 Pre-release

EPA's MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system that estimates emissions for mobile sources at the national, county, and project level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics. MOVES is available under EPA's Open-Source Software policy.

This is a draft version of MOVES4 called the MOVES4-ReleaseCandidate2. We plan to release the official MOVES4 model (MOVES4.0.0) later this year, along with full documentation and guidance on how MOVES4 should be used. The official MOVES4.0.0 may differ from the results of this release candidate. Results from this version may not be used in work for state implementation plans, conformity determinations, or for any other regulatory purpose.

We are releasing the MOVES4 release candidate for testing purposes and for modelers to become familiar with functional changes between MOVES3 and MOVES4 before MOVES4.0.0 is released.

The release candidate version of MOVES4 incorporates several important updates, including:

  • The emission impacts of the EPA heavy-duty low NOx rule for model years 2027 and later and the light-duty greenhouse gas rule for model years 2023 and later.
  • The ability to model of heavy-duty battery-electric and fuel-cell vehicles, as well as CNG long-haul combination trucks.
  • Improved modeling of light-duty electric vehicles.
  • The latest data and forecasts on vehicle populations (including electric vehicle fractions), travel activity, and emission rates, as well as updated fuel supply information at the county level.
  • The latest data on ammonia emission rates for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles.
  • A number of other limited-impact updates to specific emissions rates and adjustments.
  • New tools to make the model easier to use and updates for compatibility with newer software

Until the official version of MOVES4 is available, MOVES3.1 (at GitHub and is the latest version of MOVES for regulatory purposes. For more information, see Policy Guidance on the Use of MOVES3 for State Implementation Plan Development, Transportation Conformity, General Conformity, and Other Purposes (EPA-420-B-20-044).

For additional information on MOVES, visit EPA's MOVES website.


09 Dec 18:19
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MOVES3.1 is a minor revision to MOVES3. It adds an inspection and maintenance (I/M) program benefit for hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks. This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES. Since these trucks have similar engine technology and aftertreatment systems and can undergo the same inspection tests, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lighter gasoline trucks.

The use of MOVES3.1 for regulatory analyses is voluntary; for example, where significant work has been done with a previous MOVES3 version prior to MOVES3.1, that work can be completed. However, MOVES3.1 should be used if/when modelers are:

  • using MOVES for the first time;
  • conducting regulatory analyses that include gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks, such as performance standard modeling to demonstrate that a vehicle emission I/M program meets the applicable performance standard;
  • or estimating emissions for a transportation conformity analysis or for a SIP for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).

Otherwise, MOVES3 modelers can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3. For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.

This update is considered a minor revision, rather than a patch, because it may affect onroad criteria pollutant emissions in some areas with I/M programs. However, it will not substantially change onroad criteria emissions rates at the County Scale, and it is not considered a new model for State Implementation Plan or transportation conformity purposes. Users should continue to follow the MOVES Technical Guidance that requires modelers at County and Project Scale to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.


05 Aug 14:11
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MOVES3.0.4 is a patch to MOVES3. It is not considered a new model for state implementation plan (SIP) and transportation conformity regulatory purposes. Compared to MOVES3, MOVES3.0.4 does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates at the County or Project Scale. Users should continue to follow the MOVES Technical Guidance that requires modelers at County and Project Scale to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.

MOVES3.0.4 is recommended for modelers who:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • have encountered security warnings with previous MOVES versions,
  • use MOVES to generate speciated emissions for air quality modeling, or
  • are interested in using the latest version of MOVES3.

A detailed description of the changes in MOVES3.0.4 is available at

A model change bulletin is also maintained at


13 Jan 18:11
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MOVES3.0.3 is a patch to MOVES3. It does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES3 at the County Scale, and it is not considered a new model for State Implementation Plan (SIP) and transportation conformity purposes.

MOVES3.0.3 is recommended for modelers who:

  • Have not yet used MOVES3
  • Are modeling particulate matter (PM) at Project Scale
  • Are modeling methane and other hydrocarbon emissions for light-duty diesel vehicles
  • Are modeling hotelling emissions using County Scale with local inputs or using Default Scale for multiple years
  • Have encountered security warnings with previous MOVES versions
  • Have had problems importing data with previous MOVES versions

A detailed description of the changes in MOVES3.0.3 is available at

A model change bulletin is also maintained at

Please note that the original installer for MOVES3.0.3 was missing required libraries. Modelers who ran MOVES3.0-Setup-20220110.exe will want to run the latest installer, MOVES3.0-Setup-20220113.exe to correct this issue.


13 Sep 15:11
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MOVES3.0.2 is a patch to MOVES3. It does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES3 at the county or project level, and it is not considered a new model for State Implementation Plan (SIP) and transportation conformity purposes.

MOVES3.0.2 is recommended for modelers who:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • are modeling hotelling emissions at the default scale, or
  • are modeling nonroad particulate matter.

A detailed description of the changes in MOVES3.0.2 is available at

A model change bulletin is also maintained at