A movie review website for movie lovers developed with spring and other opensource technologies
This project uses Docker to make life easy.
mvn clean package docker:build -DskipTests=true
Running with docker compose:
docker-compose up -d app db
Don't use -d
if you don't want to daemonize (run in background).
This will use resources/config/application-docker
The website will be available at: http://localhost:8080/
If you love InteliJ all you'll need to do is run the docker database
and then use the dev
spring environment which can be supplied via the Application run config.
Inside the run configuration window, where it says Environment Variables, give the following:
This will allow Spring to connect to localhost exposed by the Mysql docker container.
1. Start the database
$ docker-compose up -d db
2. Press the run button in IntelliJ to start Spring Boot
3. The website will be available at: http://localhost:8080/
1. You need to start the integration tests database with docker
$ mvn docker:stop docker:start
if above doesn't work:
$ mvn docker:stop docker:start
or if you are on Windows:
.\mvnw.cmd docker:stop docker:start
2. Once you have the test database running you can use Intelij to run the tests or use maven verify goal.
mvn verify
That will run all the tests and show you the results in your terminal.