Repository for the daily GNSS time series denoising using a graph neural network
In the preprocessing folder, you will find all the scripts and notebook to prepare the data:
- 2 download script for UNR and CWU
- 2 raw to netcdf to convert and concatenate all stations together for both processing centers
- station maintenance correction notebook to remove trend using the station maintenance logs, and remove outliers
- add tremor notebook to co-locate tremors in time and space with the stations (possibility to tune the parameters)
- resource folder with the necessary files to download and add info to the stations
Scalers and trends are saved and important to keep for rescaling the results
- create_graph: main script to launch the graph construction
- GNSS_daily_clas: pytorch geometric dataset class for the GNSS dataset construction
- graphs utils: utility functions for the graph construction
- NN_architecture: pytorch geometric GNN class
- GNN training script: automatically trains on the first n graphs of the dataset and saves the last 400 for testing, equivalent to saving 2022 and 2023 to testing in our use case.
- Command Line Arguments:
- 'lr' (float): Learning rate for the optimization algorithm.
- 'hidden_layer' (int): Size of the hidden layer in the neural network.
- 'nb_epoch' (int): Maximum number of epochs for training.
- 'dataset_id' (str): Identifier for the dataset being used.
- 'lambda_center' (float): Lambda parameter for the center part of the loss function.
- 'post' (str): Additional string to add at the end of the output filename.
- Example:
python 0.001 64 100 my_dataset _experiment_1
This example sets lr=0.001, hidden_layer=64, nb_epoch=100, dataset_id='my_dataset', lambda_center=0.1, and post='_experiment_1'.
- Then predicts for all the graphs in the dataset
- Command Line Arguments:
- results_to_nc_daily: Notebook to read the graph results from the GNN and generate a netcdf
- read graphs
- average the overlapping windows
- rescale and add trend
- some simple verification figures
- final cleanup and save
- Get_started_with_data: Notebook to help getting started after downloading the data from zenodo
- load the data
- filter the data
- plot the data
TODO Add paper ref Denoised datasets for all methods for UNR and CWU are available on Zenodo: