Welcome to Purdue-UNAL Gold IronHacks 2017! These tutorials are for students from the following classes:
- Ingeniería de software I, Group 1, Yury Niño, Mondays and Wednesdays at 2 pm
- Ingeniería de software I, Group 2, Jairo Aponte, Tuesdays (454-403) and Thursdays (401-103), at 2 pm
- Ingeniería de software II, Group 1, Camilo Delgado, Mondays and Wednesdays at 2 pm
- Ingeniería de software II, Group 2, Camilo Delgado, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 2 pm
These pages aim to introduce you to various technologies that will be required as part of this programming challenge. We kindly ask you to complete the material before the competition starts on March 28th, 2017.
(please complete before March 12th)
Presentation -- Slides for Session 1
Tutorial -- An official tutorial for HTML
Sample Project -- Our simple project for HTML and CSS specifically developed for IronHacks
Tutorial -- An official tutorial for CSS
Bootstrap -- Official website for Bootstrap
Sample Project -- Our simple project for HTML and CSS specifically developed for IronHacks
Please follow along these videos to complete the sample projects on HTML & CSS
Quiz - HTML & CSS: Quiz “HTML & CSS” for week 1: We strongly recommend that you take this quiz. (sign-in to your contest)
You are required to submit code to our system using GitHub.
Getting started -- A simple introduction for Git and GitHub, such as how to install and basic usage
Understanding GIT -- A good tutorial for Git
(please complete before March 20th)
Presentation -- Slides for Session 2
JS Tutorial -- An official tutorial for Javascript
jQuery Tutorial -- An official tutorial for jQuery
Sample Project -- Our simple project for Javascript and jQuery specifically developed for IronHacks
JavaScript 1
JavaScript 2
JavaScript 3
jQuery 1
jQuery 2
jQuery 3
Please follow along these videos to complete the sample projects on Javascript & jQuery
Quiz - Javascript & jQuery: Quiz “Javascript & jQuery” for week 2: We strongly recommend that you take this quiz (sign-in to your contest)
(please complete before March 28th)
Presentation -- Slides for Session 3
Tutorial -- An official tutorial for d3
Sample Project -- Our simple project for d3 specifically developed for IronHacks
You can use chart libraries to create beautiful visualizations
d3.js 1
d3.js 2
d3.js 3
d3.js 4
Please follow along these videos to complete the sample projects on d3
Quiz - d3: Quiz “d3” for week 3: We strongly recommend that you take this quiz (sign-in to your contest)
Official Tutorial -- Official tutorial for Google Map API
Sample Tutorial -- Our sample tutorial for Google Map API specifically developed for IronHacks
Official Project -- Official tutorial for Google Map API
Purdue-UNAL Gold IronHacks 2017 will involve location data, so it is recommended that you go through the Google Maps Tutorial Guide (see above). Below, we provide you with information about open data sets, and also an example submission of a mashup (similar to one that you may submit in the first phase of the hack). For your reference, here is a definition of a mashup
The IRONHACKS rules require that you use at least TWO open data sets in your project. One dataset is mandatory
Available datasets to choose from:
- Climate Data Online -- the mandatory dataset
Pick one additional open data set relevant for a challenge focused on the City Chicago:
- 50OPENDATASETS -- 50 relevant datastes
If you want to learn more about the sources of this data:
- Data.gov -- Official site of the US Government
- data.cityof.chicago.gov -- Official site of the City of Chicago for open data
You can read more about these datasets here
Please make sure that you also include very descriptive readme file when you commit your application.
An example submission of a mashup has been completed to get you started (but you do not have to use it). It can be found via the following link. In this example submission, AJAX is used for data retrieval, Google Map Api and D3 are applied for data display.
- Dev Process -- This is a example submission of a mashup. Please keep in mind that is NOT related to your challenge question in the Purdue-UNAL Gold IronHacks
- Demo of Example Project
We will be available for online Q&As on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please check www.ironhacks.com
If you have done all this, you are ready to go! GOOD LUCK during the competition! You can do it!