- Node.js v8.9.4 or greater installed
- [email protected] or greater installed
In addition, the following localhost alias configuration is also needed (in /etc/hosts on Linux/macOS): local.student.helsinki.fi local.teacher.helsinki.fi
- Backend server running, see mystudies-myteaching-backend
If backend server has obar.baseUrl (local config) configured obar must also be running locally; see obar documentation. Default configuration requires using simulated server environment.
If you want to use webpack served development obar, obar.baseUrl on backend config must point to it and jwtPrivateKey on backend and jwtPublicKey on obar backend configuration must match, see.
npm install
npm run dev
This will open the app in a new browser window at http://local.student.helsinki.fi:3000.
npm run genkeys
npm run dev:https