Code and raw data to reproduce the results in the CytoMDS article.
User's instruction:
do a
git clone
of this github repo -
(if you are using RStudio) create a R project pointing to the root directory
download and copy the raw data :
- for the HBV Chronic Mouse dataset, download the corresponding zenodo repository, and copy the
directories into the./data/HBV_chronic_mouse/
subdirectory of the current repository. - for the ImmunoSenescence human PBMC dataset, a controlled access solution is currently being set-up by GSK, the dataset owner (update in a future version of the article).
- for the Krieg Anti PD1 dataset, no need to download anything, since download will happen automatically at execution of the R scripts thanks to the HDCytoData package.
- for the HBV Chronic Mouse dataset, download the corresponding zenodo repository, and copy the
if not done yet, install the needed packages: CytoPipeline and CytoPipelineUtils for pre-processing, CytoMDS, CytoPipelineGUI and some other packages for the generation of figures, as shown in the comment code below:
# if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("CytoPipeline")
# if (!require("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("UCLouvain-CBIO/CytoPipelineUtils")
# BiocManager::install("CytoMDS")
# BiocManager::install("CytoPipelineGUI")
# BiocManager::install(c("patchwork", "Polychrome", "purrr"))
# BiocManager::install("sva")
# devtools::install_github("biosurf/cyCombine")
- the pre-processing part requires CytoPipeline version >=1.5.1 .
- the MDS plot part requires CytoMDS version >=1.3.3, which is in Bioconductor 3.21, i.e. the development version at the time of writing.
Execute the following two R statements :
Note that each statement is likely to take up to a few minutes.
Execute the following R statements:
The plots are generated in directory ./plots/