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CS 122B Project 1 API example

This example shows how frontend and backend are separated by implementing a star list page, and a single star page with movie list.

Before running the example

If you do not have USER mytestuser setup in MySQL, follow the below steps to create it:

  • login to mysql as a root user

    local> mysql -u root -p
  • create a test user and grant privileges:

    mysql> CREATE USER 'mytestuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'My6$Password';
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'mytestuser'@'localhost';
    mysql> quit;

prepare the database moviedbexample

local> mysql -u mytestuser -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS moviedbexample;
mysql> USE moviedbexample;
               id varchar(10) primary key,
               name varchar(100) not null,
               birthYear integer

mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO stars VALUES('755011', 'Arnold Schwarzeneggar', 1947);
mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO stars VALUES('755017', 'Eddie Murphy', 1961);

mysql> CREATE TABLE if not exists movies(
       	    id VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '',
       	    title VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '',
       	    year INTEGER NOT NULL,
       	    director VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '',
       	    PRIMARY KEY (id)

mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO movies VALUES('1111', 'The Terminator', 1984, 'James Cameron');
mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO movies VALUES('2222', 'Coming To America', 1988, 'John Landis');

mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stars_in_movies(
       	    starId VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '',
       	    movieId VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '',
       	    FOREIGN KEY (starId) REFERENCES stars(id),
       	    FOREIGN KEY (movieId) REFERENCES movies(id)

mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO stars_in_movies VALUES('755017', '2222');
mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO stars_in_movies VALUES('755011', '1111');
mysql> quit;

To run this example:

  1. Clone this repository using git clone
  2. Open IntelliJ -> Import Project -> Choose the project you just cloned (The root path must contain the pom.xml!) -> Choose Import project from external model -> choose Maven -> Click on Finish -> The IntelliJ will load automatically
  3. For "Root Directory", right click "cs122b-project1-api-example" -> Mark Directory as -> sources root
  4. In WebContent/META-INF/context.xml, make sure the mysql username is mytestuser and password is My6$Password.
  5. Also make sure you have the moviedbexample database.
  6. To run the example, follow the instructions in canvas.

Brief Explanation

  • is a Java servlet that talks to the database and get the stars. It returns a list of stars in the JSON format. The name of star is generated as a link to Single Star page.

  • index.js is the main Javascript file that initiates an HTTP GET request to the StarsServlet. After the response is returned, index.js populates the table using the data it gets.

  • index.html is the main HTML file that imports jQuery, Bootstrap, and index.js. It also contains the initial skeleton for the table.

  • is a Java servlet that talks to the database and get information about one Star and all the movie this Star performed. It returns a list of Movies in the JSON format.

  • single-star.js is the Javascript file that initiates an HTTP GET request to the SingleStarServlet. After the response is returned, single-star.js populates the table using the data it gets.

  • single-star.html is the HTML file that imports jQuery, Bootstrap, and single-star.js. It also contains the initial skeleton for the movies table.

Separating frontend and backend

  • For project 1, you are recommended to separate frontend and backend. Backend Java Servlet only provides API in JSON format. Frontend Javascript code fetches the data through HTTP (ajax) requests and then display the data on the webpage.

  • This example uses jQuery for making HTTP requests and manipulate DOM. jQuery is relatively easy to learn compared to other frameworks. This example also includes Bootstrap, a popular UI framework to let you easily make your webpage look fancy.


  • For project 1, you are recommended to use tomcat to manage your DataSource instead of manually define MySQL connection in each of the servlet.

  • WebContent/META-INF/context.xml contains a DataSource, with database information stored in it. WEB-INF/web.xml registers the DataSource to name jdbc/moviedbexample, which could be referred to anywhere in the project.

  • In both and, a private DataSource reference dataSource is created with @Resource annotation. It is a reference to the DataSource jdbc/moviedbexample we registered in web.xml

  • To use DataSource, you can create a new connection to it by dataSource.getConnection(), and you can use the connection as previous examples.


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