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Merge pull request #9 from UBC-MDS/presentation_structure
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Proposal Presentation
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rzitomer authored Apr 26, 2019
2 parents 237cf4b + e9beec8 commit fa152de
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions RStudio-GitHub-Analysis.Rproj
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288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions docs/proposal_presentation.Rmd
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title: "What the Git is going on here? <br>"
subtitle: "<br>RStudio Capstone Project Proposal"
#author: "Juno Chen, Ian Flores Siaca, Rayce Rossum, Richie Zitomer"
date: "2019/04/24"
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class: inverse, center, middle

# Introduction

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# Introduction

- Git is a Version Control System to track changes to different files
- People use Git to collaborate from SE to DS
- However when using Git we might encounter some problems


<img src='' height='350'>

# Introduction

<img src='' height='350'>

# Introduction

- RStudio is interested in developing a new tool for Git users
- For this we want to understand how people use Git
- What works for workflows
- What is hindering workflows
- **What are those workflows?**

- We only have data to answer one of these questions
- Access to commit history

# Introduction - Getting the data

- GitHub API
- Sampling & Rate Limiting
- GitHub Torrent
- Mines the GitHub API for all latest pushs
- Tracks all of the repos and makes it available in a MySQL database
- This means 4TB of overall data



# Introduction - Getting the data

- Multiple tables containing information about projects, commits, users, issues, etc.
- Pipeline process:
- Sample 1 million projects in the DB
- Get the commits for all the projects
- Get the parents of the commits for all the projects
- Save to Buckets for export and storage
- Reproducibility in scope
- SQL Versioning
- Data Versioning


# Introduction - Data Structure

- How do we represent a history of commits?


#### Graphs
- Git is not any type of graph, it is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Nodes/Vertices --> Commits
- Edges --> Connection from one commit to the other

<img src='' height='300'>


# Introduction - EDA: Simple Repo


# Introduction - EDA: Complex Repo


# Introduction - Questions

- With the scope of designing a new tool to fix issues with Git and with the data that we have available we try to answer two questions:


### What are common sub-patterns in the way people use Git?


### What are workflow patterns across Git repositories?


class: inverse, center, middle
# Analysis
## What are common sub-patterns in the way people use Git?


## Inspiration - genetic data

- comparing to git workflow representation

- similarity: sequence, i.e. directed

- difference: fixed length, fixed variation (can apply one-hot encoding)




## Inspiration - genetic data

- current trend of genetic data study

- DeepVariant

- converting DNA sequences to images and feeding them through a convolutional neural network




## Inspiration - social network analysis (SNA)

- comparing to git workflow representation

- similarity: directed

- difference: goal is to predict linkage existence

- can learn from

- the first step of SNA: learning structural features of connected graph

- using sequence generating algorithms: node2vec


## Approach - `Node2vec`

.pull-left[- Samples network neighborhoods of each node using the biased random walks
- Based on `Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels`
- iterate nodes and edges, relabel and group, represent the features in a vector]



## Approach - `sub2vec`

- learn a feature representation of each subgraph, maximize properties in the latent feature space

- preserve two properties

- `Neighborhood`: neighborhood information of all the nodes, sets of all paths(annotated by node IDs)

- `Structural`: the subgraph structure (clique, degree, size of subgraph)


- advantage: better accuracy, incorporate the properties of entire subgraphs

- disadvantage: assume unweighted undirected graphs, but can be extended




## Approach - Motifs

- What is a Motif?

- A subgraph which occurs in a network at a much higher frequency than random chance

.pull-left[<img src="imgs/graph_1.png" width="250" /> <img src="imgs/graph_2.png" width="250" />]
.pull-right[<img src="imgs/degree_distribution.png" width="500" />]

class: inverse, center, middle
# Analysis
## What are workflow patterns across Git repositories?


## Graph2Vec Background

> "[Node2Vec and Sub2Vec] only model local similarity within a confined neighborhood and fails to learn global structural similarities that help to classify similar graphs together"

> "a neural embedding framework named graph2vec to learn data-driven distributed representations of arbitrary sized graphs."

> "graph2vec's embeddings are learnt in an unsupervised manner and are task agnostic."
## Graph2Vec Background



## Clustering Embeddings from Graph2Vec Model



## Graph2Vec Limitations

> Graph2Vec currently works with undirected graphs, therefore we will have to make modifications to support directed graphs.

> Graph2Vec only helps us address the first question (unless we can find a way to extract the learned subgraphs from the neural network).


# Projected Timeline

| Milestone | Date |
| Proposal Presentation | 4/26 |
| Proposal Report (to mentor) | 4/30 |
| Proposal Report (to partner) | 5/3 |
| End-to-end analysis | 5/10 |
| Complete workflow patterns across Git repositories | 5/24 |
| Choose best method for subgraph analysis | 5/31 |
| Choose and demonstrate output from subgraph analysis | 6/7 |
| Complete subgraph analysis | 6/14 |
| Final Presentation | 6/17-18 |
| Final Report (to mentor) | 6/21 |
| Final Report (to partner) and Data Product | 6/26 |

class: inverse, middle

# Acknowledgments

- RStudio
- Greg Wilson

- UBC-MDS Teaching Team
- Tiffany Timbers

- UBC-MDS Students

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