This repository will store the code needed to run a Discord Bot which automatically logs earnings from an arbitrary amount of scholars
The typical flow for this Discord bot will be as follows: (1) A Voxie owner runs !regOwner
to register themself into the database; (2) the Voxie owner runs !AddScholar @Scholar1 @Scholar2 @ScholarN
to register each of their scholars to the database; (3) the Scholars then perform daily logs by calling the !logScholar
command in the Discord, then responding to idnividual forms via DM's; (4) the Voxie owner can then request a print-out of their Statistics over DM's using !dmLogs
or into the public chat using !showLogs
Users will be able to interact with the following commands in servers that host the scholar-tracker:
!addScholar @Scholar1 @Scholar2 @ScholarN
!add-Scholar @Remista @f0rest @killmongerBR @davidsf @aqeoj @tuka
If the Scholar is registered in the database, they will be DM'ed with a form to fill-out. The form will prompt the Scholar to enter the following information: Hours played: $VOXEL earned in those hours: Number of Wins: (Optional) Number of Losses: (Optional)
Simply run the following command in the desired directory of choice:
git clone
The nft-honor-tracker requires the ethers.js, discord.js, aws-sdk.js, and dotenv API's in order to function properly. Please use the following commands to prepare an initially empty directory for the required dependencies using NPM:
npm init -y
npm install --save ethers
npm install discord.js
npm install aws-sdk
npm install dotenv --save