A kotlin library mainly focused on key derivation and implementation of required encodings (Base58 and Bech32).
This library was started as an internal project to contain the basic tools for working with HDWallets and Bitcoin Addresses without having to import large third-party dependencies.
- Bip32 HD key derivation
- Bip39 Entropy to Mnemonic and Mnemonic to seed conversion
- Bip44 Purpose value derivation
- Bip84 Segwit key derivation and address generation
- BIP173 Decode/encoding Base32/Bech32
The main class that binds the respective BIP to key derivation is: ExtendedKeyWrapper
Based on the extendedKey byteArray or String that is provided it either uses: BIP32Serde or BIP84Serde
With the main differences being that BIP32Serde uses Base58 to encode the address
BIP84Serde using BIP173 to encode the address and enforces BIP44 with purpose 84' when deriving children.
To install Bazel itself:
- Install Bazel's dependencies
- Install Bazelisk (optional, but recommended)
- Add the following to your Bazel workspace:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "nl_tulipsolutions_bitcoin_tools",
commit = "b25a2615d94d7d18c46ec27a16330f7891b8b893",
remote = "https://github.com/TulipSolutions/bitcoin-tools",
See also example WORKSPACE
- Add a dependency in the Build file of your project:
deps = [
or if you only need the byteutils:
deps = [
See also example Build.bazel
- The extended key wrapper can be used as follow:
// m
val zpriv = "zprvAdG4iTXWBoARxkkzNpNh8r6Qag3irQB8PzEMkAFeTRXxHpbF9z4QgEvBRmfvqWvGp42t42nvgGpNgYSJA9iefm1yYNZKEm7z6qUWCroSQnE"
// The wrapper currently supports xpriv, xpub, tpub, tpriv which will enforce BIP32Serde
// It also supports zpriv, zpub, vpriv, vpub which will enforce BIP84Serde
val extendedKey = ExtendedKeyWrapper(zpriv)
// Be aware hardened children are > 0x80000000 and will require a private key
// note this is also defined in keyderivation/ExtendedKey.kt
const val HARDENED_KEY_ZERO = 0x80000000.toInt()
// also note the when using a zpriv, zpub, vpriv, vpub the first child from the master should be H84 due to purpose spec
// m/H84
val child = extendedKey.deriveChild(HARDENED_KEY_ZERO + 84)
// m/H84/0
val childOfChild = child.deriveChild(HARDENED_KEY_ZERO + 0)
// ExtendedKey From seed
val mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
val passphrase = ""
val extendedKeyFromMnemonic = ExtendedKeyWrapper(
seed = vector.mnemonic.split(" ").toSeed(passphrase),
serde = Bip32Serde(),
isMainNet = true
See also example Main.kt
- New private key generation: As you can do many things wrong and was not required for the use case I was working on.
- Signing: Same reason why we did not implement new private key generation
- Implementation of derivation based on a keypath string
- p2wpkh in P2SH
- Move EC math to a separate class and use an interface to allow the developer to choose his preferred implementation.