- Provide you, the applicant, an opportunity to show us just how skilled you are
- Provide us, Trioxis, an opportunity to understand how well your skillset fits into our needs
- Code legibility: Code should be simple to understand and read. Comments should be kept to a minimum, the code should explain itself.
- Development practices: Concise commits. Use of branches.
Try use some of our preferred tech:
Build a client of, or extension to GraphQL Pokemon:
Repository: https://github.com/trioxis/graphql-pokemon Server: https://graphql-pokemon.now.sh/
To submit the challenge, you must send us a diff of the code you've written. Preferably as a pull request:
- Either fork an existing repository, or create a new one...
- Make a branch where you will perform your work...
- Create a pull request from that branch back to master...
- Email us a link to the pull request
Stuck for ideas? Try one of these:
- Build UI to navigate different pokemon
- Build UI to compare pokemon
- Add mutations to the API to collect pokemon
- Add authenticate to the API
- Write an algorithm to rank pokemon by strength
- Build Subscriptions into the API
- Write a script which streams pokemon to a CSV
- Write a script to automate deployment to a cloud provider
- Add Continuous integration into the app
- Write various unit tests
- Build UI for an evolution tree for each pokemon