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The Ladysnake maven is moving!

As Jfrog is ending their free service for OSS projects, we have to move the maven repository before the 1st of July 2023. See below for the new maven instructions - you will have to update your buildscripts with the new URL before the cutoff date to avoid dependency resolution failures.



A lightweight serverside library to provide compatibility between mods that make use of player abilities.

Conflicts arise often when several mods update the same field in PlayerAbilities. This library exists so that all modifications can be made from a single place, keeping track of what mod enabled what ability.

Looking for the Elytra Flight equivalent? Try FallFlyingLib or CaelusApi.

credits to InsomniaPrincess Chloe Dawn for some of the API design

Adding PAL to your project

You can add the library by inserting the following in your build.gradle :

repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'Ladysnake Mods'
        url = ''
        content {
            includeGroup 'io.github.ladysnake'
            includeGroupByRegex 'io\\.github\\.onyxstudios.*'

dependencies {
    modImplementation "io.github.ladysnake:PlayerAbilityLib:${pal_version}"
    include "io.github.ladysnake:PlayerAbilityLib:${pal_version}"

You can then add the library version to your gradle.propertiesfile:

# PlayerAbilityLib
pal_version = 1.x.y

You can find the current version of PAL in the releases tab of the repository on Github.

Using PAL

You can find a couple examples in the Test Mod.

Note that PAL interfaces can only be accessed serverside, as no synchronization is done on the ability sources.
Read accesses can still be done directly on the PlayerAbilities instance, both serverside and clientside.

If you want to store more complex data, or to synchronize it between server and client, you should take a look at Cardinal Components API.

Item that toggles an ability :

public static final AbilitySource FLIGHT_CHARM = Pal.getAbilitySource("mymod", "flight_charm");  // works like an identifier

public TypedActionResult<ItemStack> use(World world, PlayerEntity user, Hand hand) {
    if (!world.isClient) {
        if (FLIGHT_CHARM.grants(user, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING)) { // check whether the source is granting the ability
            FLIGHT_CHARM.revokeFrom(user, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING); // if it is, revoke it
       } else {
            FLIGHT_CHARM.grantTo(user, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING);  // otherwise, grant it
    return TypedActionResult.success(user.getStackInHand(hand));

Potion that grants an ability :

public static final AbilitySource FLIGHT_POTION = Pal.getAbilitySource("mymod", "flight_potion");

public void onApplied(LivingEntity effected, AbstractEntityAttributeContainer attributes, int amplifier) {
    if (effected instanceof PlayerEntity) {
        Pal.grantAbility((PlayerEntity) effected, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING, FLIGHT_POTION);
        // equivalent to: FLIGHT_POTION.grantTo((PlayerEntity) effected, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING);

public void onRemoved(LivingEntity effected, AbstractEntityAttributeContainer attributes, int amplifier) {
    if (effected instanceof PlayerEntity) {
        Pal.revokeAbility((PlayerEntity) effected, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING, FLIGHT_POTION);
        // equivalent to: FLIGHT_POTION.revokeFrom((PlayerEntity) effected, VanillaAbilities.ALLOW_FLYING);


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